Captain K'nuckles

@Surfaced: We don't speak of X3. X3 did not happen. When the 3rd iteration of the venerable X-Man franchise is ready to release, we will inform you. Thank you for your attention.

I gotta admit, I admire this dev team's tenacity. Giving me an opportunity to play a zombified version of ganstaz and hoez? Gimme that shit.

BDSMan confirmed!


Not with a bang, but with a whimper..

Who's too young for Guitar Hero? I've gotten my ass kicked by 8 year olds before. And I've never much cared for giving children half-assed games who hide behind their "recommended age". Had my guardians done that some 20 years ago, I might not have become the gamer that I am today.

Ha, classic. It almost makes me want to go out and see the movie again. This should totally adorn the sleeve of the DVD/Blu-ray release.

Oh God.

Kept in the dark? How embarrassing...

Wait, getting plowed means getting drunk? Consider my expectations misplaced. I'd cry false advertising, but I'm afraid that someone involved might try to rectify the situation.

Well... the graphics are gorgeous. That's a feather in your cap, eh Sega?

Call me a sucker, but I'm excited about this game. Even if its apparently impossible to create a Sonic game that isn't littered with superfluous, uninspiring secondary characters.

I'm going to fuck this disc. It's inevitable.

Well, that avatar certainly took the piss out of the sleek new interface aesthetic. Let's tuck him behind some duck tape, shall we?

Nice. I can't complain about a game that has The Mars Volta in it. Thank god for instrument cross-compatibility these days, now the only real choose to make between this and RB2 is which one to purchase first.

Port this to the DS and brace yourself for the influx of capital. There's gold in them there hills.

Hey, Windows CE was good enough for the Dreamcast, it must be good enough for the Gizmondo 2.0 as well, right!? Yeah? Anybody?

@Recury: You haven't learned to block out advertising, by now? Are you new to consumer culture? :)

Well, I'll definitely be checking this out when it hits the marketplace. As in, immediately.