
It's not : "I MAKE YOUTUBE VIDEOS, I DESERVE TO BE PAID!" it's more "I HAVE A JOB FOR WITCH I DESERVE TO BE PAID". If that job happens to be creating content for you to enjoy on YouTube, well then be it. If many top youtubers weren't being paid (i.e. making youtube their full time job) then you probably wouldn't have

That's actually a great system! It wouldn't work for me for various reasons, but it's a great system. And you couldn't implement it on a paper notebook.

It's not about the advertiser, its about the person bringing the content to you. They are the ones who you owe the decency to allow them to get paid. Do the decent thing and don't screw people of their due share on a service they are bringing to you. Also, the bandwidth you paid for is only being occupied by adds,

The advertiser has no rights other than the ones he agreed upon with Google (or other providers). The user, like the advertiser also has no rights, much less to a "clean surfing experience". The websites that you visit are a product being put forth to you by a content creator, and you either accept the conditions the

It's not about needing, it's about deserving. Obviously people who simply re-post other videos can go screw themselves, but everyone else, not only deserves the receive the add revenues, but are entitled to do so because they can, and if you don't want to suffer through an add, don't just be an idiot and screw the

Or just don't block them and let YT creators monetize on their creations...

I have absolutely no JSON on java script exprerience, so i wont comment on that, just take your word for it. As for the quick look at code, yes, that does make sense!

Why would you use plane text editors when you can just use IDE's?

I don't understand why using a computer to take notes is at all useful? Disregarding the complete awkwardness of writing mathematical formulas and images on a computer, much less a tablet, what real advantages does using a computer to take notes bring that can't be done by a notebook (meaning that are exclusive to

so, you pay extra for the brand, why would you scrath it off? And dont go for quality or aesthetics because, as with all markets, there are always cheaper alternatives...

It never ceases to amaze me how you Americans love your credit cards...

Ethernet for desktop, Wi-Fi for laptop (for work laptop), phone and tablet. When i'm home though, the desktop gets most of the atention and laptop at school.

Janeiro* Rio de Janeiro

Also, quantity matters! You have a small glass for whisky so it looks half full with not that much in it, because of the rocks. You could as easily fill a Collins glass with ice, but such a small amount of alcohol will look like a more than half empty glass. Cocktails, on the other hand get some soda, or something to

why would you use a text editor instead of an ide for codding? alteast for C/C++ and Java you have two great alternatives like codeblocks and eclipse!

Oh America...

Ctrl+C, V, F, Z, Shift + T and Win+D are the ones i use the most. I don't like Alt + Tab becuase i have to shift my hand, and if i have to do so, i might as well use the mouse... Meh... and the Alt + Number for tabs are just a mess, cause i keep missing. Also, Shift + letter = caps is also very good and

It't not a mess if you know where your stuff is! :D

Yes, but no one cares about the lyrics. You could just be singing about nonsense words (like many a music out there) and if the melody and voice are right, no one cares...

I didn't know that. Where i come from we only learn cursive. Some people then go on to write print, but not that many people, and most of us only hand write in cursive. The resembling the other kinds of text, while true, gets really irrelevant if you've done it your whole life, so that's really a no issue. Yeah, both