
In case you couldn’t use logic, I’m saying that both games are amazing, but 1 of them has a story while the other hardly does and whatever bit it does, is the same ‘save Hyrule from the same game from the past 30 years’.

Here’s a screenshot of my game with 160 hours of gameplay within the first month of release, because I have to prove to you that, in fact, you’re a fucking idiot who likes to mouth off.

Didn’t do anything special? What the fuck are you smoking?

Game looks like shit, and he just ranted a bunch of gibberish.

Yeah, EA is firing him.

The guy sitting down on the left looked like an amputee at first glance...

There was a story?

Nice bullshit assumption, jackass.

Just picked up Xenoblade Chronicles 2. I was told it’s a bit forgiving compared to X which I felt did a poor job explaining things from the get-go, and only played around 15 hours. Great game, just got overwhelmed with other games so I never got back to it.

I still want my fucking money back.

Yeah, you’re a fucking idiot. Kind of like most of the people commenting.

Again, why do people vote for Trump, aside from being fucking idiots?

Picking up Skyrim for Switch even though I have it on PC. The portability just has me sold, and I been itching for a solid RPG game when I want to take a break from COD or OW.

That can’t be, because the Xbox One X has been selling out in Japan...

Someone should take EA offline.

I agree. Someone always has to make it a race thing when it has absolutely NOTHING to do with it. I have noticed that the writer of this article is a race baiter though, so I’m not surprised she wrote this nonsense.

Shut up

Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t see why race has anything to do with liking an anime show. I’m Mexican-American, and I loved the show because it’s fucking awesome. Plain and simple. GT on the other hand, I think every ethnicity/race can agree it’s shit :)