
You sound like you’d fit right in with Dead Orbit, you emo-sissy boy :p

Can’t he be sued by Nintendo?

Picked up a couple SNES Classics so definitely going to be playing that while I wait for some friends and clan mates to do raids in Destiny 2. When I’m bored and want to really play casually, hop on some World of Warcraft and level my 22 Human Mage. I love the music in the Redridge Mountains and Elwynn Forest sooooo

I was able to get 2, 1 for myself and 1 for my sister’s kids, although I don’t trust those little shits to take care of the system...

“One GameStop employee, speaking anonymously to avoid career repercussions”

Flexibility :x

Sounds good! Mine is NmE_insane

Most likely doing NOTHING BUT playing Destiny 2, try and get a damn group going for Nightfall since they STILL haven’t added the match-making option. Then, hoping I can do some raids.

Thanks Chris!

This video player is terrible, and I don’t know what the deal is with kilobytes being options for resolutions...

SOB... I started on Friday and I’m only 231... I swear I’ve been pushing like crazy to get to max light level, and I won’t even qualify for raid... FML...

Catching up on some Final Fantasy XIV and just picked up Destiny 2 from a friend for $20 ^_^

Well, I guess if you want to be an absolute moron, yes, a 1 year old baby who was brought over illegally is a major criminal.

It somehow feels like you’re trying to make this a racial issue, but not sure because your comment doesn’t seem to be relevant...

Read. Comments. You’re welcome.

Please point out where I said that every illegal is innocent. I’ll wait. And don’t pull something that still doesn’t say it but them manipulate it to make it seem so.

You should read other comments before commenting.

An infant who was brought here illegally, was not something a FUCKING CHILD decided to think ‘I’m 8 months old and I’ve decided to come with my parents illegally’.

Ah, you really are stupid. ‘Anti-American’ bigotry’ comment, as well as being unable to spell properly.