Now playing

Mobile game called Crusaders Quest, who is doing a 2 week limited collaboration RWBY event with Rooster Teeth (looks really awesome! Only been playing for 2 weeks and then saw they brought this to the game), Modern Warfare 2 while kicking some butt with the new SMG and Rifle, and Possibly Nioh. Been too long since I

Because you can find people to play with you...

That’s Destiny’s 1 life per round mode, right?

If anyone is wasting money paying others to play with them, that is just plain sad and pathetic.

Minecraft 4K LMAO whoopdeedoo!

LOL sure kiddo!

Cry more you fucking pussy, and learn to read comments LOL umad bitch?

You called me a fag!

Then that makes you a dumbass. A lazy one at that.

“you were trying to insinuate that her kid shouldn’t have the game, based solely on his age.”

Maybe, just maybe because you lack to logic to understand, it was towards her saying her kid is 11, and I’m pointing out the game she got for a kid.

Learn to read comments, then you can go to your corner and shut the fuck up.

Read replies, comment after, thank me later :p

Definitely, it’s one of the responses I made on another comment to my OP. As I mentioned as well, I grew up with violent games younger than the kid in the story, however, my parents had limited my play time and taught me right from wrong, as any parent should. It’s the best thing to do since trying to completely

What faaaaq said.

Thanks for the correction.

“When he opened the booklet inside one of the pre owned games he ( MY ELEVEN YEAR OLD SON!!!!!!!) found this. A baggie of fucking meth!”

Overwatch, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, and a mobile game called Crusaders Quest which is a lot of fun and really charming.

Congrats! And thank you for continuing the series, probably one of my favorite things I look forward to when I hit the interwebs :D