Animosity doesn’t = racist, you brain-dead dipshit.
Animosity doesn’t = racist, you brain-dead dipshit.
“Why do we still care about what the Japanese are playing?”
The graphics look like complete shit. That is just so unacceptable.
We do it to annoying your punk ass.
Is League of Legends popular?
I have beautiful wood...
I’m not sure about others, but I REALLY didn’t like Garrisons. Felt like such a chore to make it become top tier as possible. Housing like FFXIV would be nice though.
Fucking buuuuurned.
Fuck you, Blizzard Entertainment. Stop buffing Mei. She is one of the top heroes you NEED to nerf, not buff.
He can only deflect Hanzo’s ult when it’s still in arrow form, not in the spiritual dragon form.
I see. Thanks for heads up :)
Is there no longer a Yes/No/Maybe on reviews? Can’t take the time to read since I’m at work. Just wondering.
Metal Gear Solid + Umbrella Corpse + Konami = Horrid shit
But you were, because you said,
You’re talking about a mod...
“I don’t understand why games need to be improved and want them to look the same year after year.”
BTW, you’re still playing a game. And the mods are that. A mod. It’s optional. Stop crying.
Lol, I see no more than 100 people online.