PVC sheet + rolling pin + heat source... Some careful cutting after the folds...
PVC sheet + rolling pin + heat source... Some careful cutting after the folds...
Just buy the game to make Anita Sarkeesian scream...
Well do you want her to have no breasts unless she’s grossly fat then hairy legs and a special move that’s “Lower body stink” and to have an ugly, twisted by hate face?
Uh, this should be a Jezebel article. And I’m quite skeptical about anything save the new employee trying to help and the customer knowing more than him.
I second that. I don’t deny any injustice claims to African Americans, but through modern history there have always been “The Controllers” who seek to have all people slaves - and divide and conquer is part of it. They beat on the blacks now, practicing to beat on the whites later once they have a working model of the…
IMO this is why Kotaku is bashing this - to appease the Sark and the SJW Whine brigade.
Let’s see - they send jobs overseas to cheat American workers of all levels their wages.
Although I love to bash CopyWRONG law -
Crowdfund a legal attack on the company - get it to a jury that “Pixels” stole THEIR idea and therefore hurt their chances at a big name big movie. Don’t laugh, if it happened today (or there was any $ in it) Mark Bode could sue Bakshi over “Wizards” notably Avatar vs. Cheech Wizard. There’s a LOT of money in the…
Conan is a perfect movie!
Frankly for the sake of Humanity not becoming “Idiocracy” we need to END “No Fault Divorce”. There’s too much romantic lies fed by the lie media. Sorry but any couple will go through periods of actually hating each other and it takes society both in laws and social reinforcement to keep it together.
It’ll be like Ice Skating where something like 99.5% have asthma and of course they need the inhalers - but today’s PC smiley at gunpoint how DARE anyone accuse those “Differently Abled” isn’t the high percentage of athletes with ashthma needing inhalers proof that they can overcome a disability.
What I’d thought about Cyborg... wasn’t fit for public conversation these days. Not on personal beliefs, I’m “Liberal” but old school liberal, not modern P.C. Smile at gunpoint.
Love that game!
We just also need to bring over “Princess Crown” at last and work out more stuff.
Hope the Chinamen get to the Moon...And MARS...
Uh, there’s a PLOT...?
Believe it or not, I’m against piracy of games, movies, music.
Batman’s “Anti-Gun” modern take is an aftershock of - 1. The Comics Code Authority - and - 2. A lot of “Flower Children” settling down and making their “Liberal Arts” degrees pay the rent at last.
There are roaches that will do the same thing...