I don't like this "Gamergate" tag, it's more to totally frame anyone who disagrees with the Sark and her whine brigade as being threatening trolls.
I don't like this "Gamergate" tag, it's more to totally frame anyone who disagrees with the Sark and her whine brigade as being threatening trolls.
It's been proven - sadly in court - they police have no 'obligation' to the point of legal/civil liability to prevent anyone from being harmed. Lots of cases were people called 9/11 and the police didn't arrive in time and they sued and they lost.
A swat operation runs at least a million dollars, btw.
A swatting should bring a "Crowd Lobby" in response...
If you don't like what he's selling, why are you buying it?
Here's something from a real master -
I watched the video, got me to buy God of War 3...!
So, a poorer Batman with his enemies inside his mansion...?
How 'bout an updated "Hot Coffee" mode, this time using modern 3d graphics and collision physics to let the main character's long black manhood really dominate the ladies in and out... Just make it downloadable with a credit card so proof of over 18...
I'd heard about the game and thought it was an interesting concept. However, simply no time to play it.
We need to encourage more sex and objectification of women in video games.
I'd be more upset they didn't let him sell the scarves.
Well, rightly so, shame on him for robbing them!
This is where its going...
It's too bad Berkley Breathed goes DMCA when people post Bloom County online. There was a cool one where Bill The Cat got a cheap plastic machine guns loaded with Teflon cop-killer bullets just in time for a romantic breakup. Outside Milo was talking with an NRA spokesman over financing his presidential run. Bill…
First off the "Gaming Industry" needs to pay for a lobbying firm.
Oh, thank goody goodness they banned GTA San Andreas until they removed that "Hot Coffee" sub-game...!!!
I'm not for "Death Threats" against the whiny slime trail leaving Femi-NOTs.
Man alert - don't worry, I'm 'old fashioned' and won't make death threats, any of that garbage. I open doors for women, even though thanks to modern society some slap me for it...
Don't believe it.