
My "perfect hack" is this; Time...

Overall a fun list, but really the PS2 in 2000 and the XBox in 2001 were infinitely more popular.
Also, the Wii U is a flop that could cripple Nintendo in a Dreamcast level disaster. Only people still are fond of the Dreamcast. They'll mock the Wii U like the Virtual Boy. Too bad since the Wii was perfect. IMO its a

Let's see...

IMO things like this should bring back medieval justice. No I don't mean elaborate torture, just simple no drop public hanging or amputation and branding. Cruel, brutal, efficient punishment to warn others such things.

Beware also the "Suddenly desperate seller" in the parking lot...

There was also a promised sequel to "The Sword and the Sorceror"... I'd have loved that!

I say they should aggressively try to introduce "Ecchi" themed games, and back it up with lawyers if any...issues pop up.

I say for the future we should get the Chinese companies that MAKE these things, frankenstien the technology together and turn out a good graphics computer that's ideal for games and emulation. The new thing will have open end hardware, be upgradeable and parts for sale, and OK to make any crazy peripheral, etc...

Catch da wabbit! Catch da Wabbit! Catch da Wabbit!

I finally finished watching the vomit, excuse me, her latest video.

OK, she's actually making more videos? I'd thought she'd made the minimum videos to avoid being sued for that grotesque pile of money, then ran laughing. But, whoops another video after another looonng wait.

Of all the ways to compete with X-Box...

Good list here. Can't really think of anything else fair to add with Minecraft on it.

My fav 90s Batman was the "Demon Within" storyline which had nothing to do with Etrigan. It was, absurd as it sounds, a "Comic book within a Comic Book" and it was the "Mainstream" DC acting as if it realized the underground and independent market existed. It turned into a hollow and unresolved statement on free

That's why the weaklings made "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns" the movie lame and bland... Weaklings..

It should have been the Batman brutally beating the joker to death, anyone would in that situation, but whoop they need the lower ratings for the kiddies.

So like a big company like Microsoft to pick something trendy as the trend is imploding. Like haven't they heard about "Madoka" out to really kill off the "MOE Magical Girls" in gruesome tear jerking ways?

We don't have arcades in my town either.

DRM stops hackers by...seconds?