
But is it pricey? I'd say $500 is like a consumer electronic threshold. Add into it that Microsoft is now bundling Titanfall in with the console and there is not a huge price difference.

I don't think it was over confidence. Sony's goal at that point was to build something beyond a video game system. They threw everything into it that they felt they needed to compete and beat Microsoft (wifi, blu ray etc) and priced it what they felt was fair. And it failed on that point. When they eventually

My impression this generation was Sony was pretty much at the breaking even point. I could be wrong, it does happen at least according to the Mrs.

Would you keep it unplugged if the next generation of games started finding ways to use it in a more organic way that didn't have you making silly hand gestures or screaming at it like a loon? We're early days of this console a mandatory piece of hardware provides a commitment to developers that time

We're arguing semantics. Sony made cuts that made the PS3 more affordable while keeping the Blu-Ray and various entertainment functions in tact. They did it in line with their goals at the time and it cost them two features that were not really all that vital to the new system outside a small subsection of users.

Were both of those honestly part of their ultimate vision though? I wasn't discounting them, but neither of those impacted what the PS3 was designed for.

Fair enough. I'm not in the crowd that obsesses about modest differences. My point ultimately is, Microsoft had this larger plan that included all the original features and the Kinect in their vision of gaming, and with the majority of those items removed, they've ultimately released a theoretically under powered

The significance of this for Xbox users is that when Microsoft had this as a required piece of hardware rather than an optional add on member (as the camera is for the PS4) you are basically telling developers that they have a tool they can incorporate into their game. While perhaps you're not likely to see this tool

If what you were saying made even a lick of sense, Microsoft would not have:

Posted this on Gizmodo, but probably more apt here:

Why should it be up to the artists to allow the masses to dictate their art. If 'fans' are unhappy with the product, stop being a 'fan' and move on. I have not been a fan of every choice they've made in the adaptation of the books, but for the most part they've done quite a good job of taking the crazy quagmire that

Loving the book. Bringing back a lot of strong emotions, especially the post 1994 chapter.

What's the over/under on the amount of time before somebody tries to compare this card to the graphics of a next gen console?

I've cleared out all the zones. Once you do the Showdown Mission at 30% or below, it essentially clears the zone of DUP. You'll occasionally see a transport move around, but that's about it.

Shocking that a $400 piece of hardware doesn't handle things as well as a machine at least double the cost.

I spent $1,500 on a gaming rig yet I feel no need to brag about the fact that something that costs nearly 4 times my PS4 can obviously produce better graphics.

Ultimately there are very few good review writers in the gaming press. To have a no score system you need to have writers that are able to convey their feelings about the game without having the safety blanket of a number and for the most part the internet isn't up to it. You mentioned the Escapist review as one

If I had any confidence that those parents were anything like mine, which is to say aware of the emotional and intellectual maturity of their child and capable of making informed decisions based on that then I would have no issues with the kid having the for the fact the little twerp has it and I don't!

Fair enough, but those are two completely different games. While the audience may overlap, both games offer quite a different set of gameplay options

You hit the nail right on the head. The RPG stuff was solid and what kept me going, even through the muddled combat. If I recall at the time, the publisher forced this game out when it wasn't ready to hit a certain launch window.