
Wait. If I already have it on PS4 from PS+, I get it for my Vita for free? SWOON.

Kara, I know you're just being funny and not totally serious and using Tay Tay as a way to highlight something that's been talked about around here for awhile, White people with zero Black friends. I love you and this is just a little constructive criticism: Don't. Do. This. Again.

I'll just copy and paste what I wrote on Gawker:

Happy Thanksgiving from a Brit.

Whatevs... they have this and thats all i care about!

I'm so tired of the respectability politics that have dominated in these reactions. There was no respect in the murder of Mike Brown, and not a shred of respect in McCulloch's statements this evening.

When black lives and bodies are treated with overt, and apparently justifiable, disregard, authorities can't expect

I dunno — I find it hard to judge whether a game is worth X amount of money because I feel like that depends on an individual's specific financial situation, but I certainly don't mind paying an extra $20 for more Destiny content, and I certainly feel like the original game was worth $60 to me, as much as I like to

I won't argue with your latter point, BUT if you consider that Destiny is basically an MMO, and that we don't have to pay monthly like we would for other similarly-sized games, $20 for a new expansion pack isn't bad at all.

I went for Kurt Russell as Jack Burton

This is Ellana, Dalish Pyromage. I tried to make her as elvish as possible, maximizing the ears and keeping elongated features. That and her ethereal eyes.

...he simply proved something we all already know, the double standard women deal with on a day-to-day basis.

White people don't care about racism. What bothers them about the n-word is that it's one of the only things that they cannot do but black people can. They don't like being on the ass-end. THAT'S the issue. Just good ol fashioned entitlement.

Whenever someone tries to have this debate with you, ask them if you can fuck their significant other.

Why do some White people feel like their opinion about the N word matters? It never will!

You didn't learn a process for subtracting one number from another; you simply learned to draw an 8 when someone showed you "15-7=". That's not problem solving... that's rote memory. This may have laid the ground work for you to eventually develop a process for critical thinking, but it certainly didn't teach you one.

If we want to keep advancing, education needs to keep advancing. Being stubborn really only gets you to one place, where you already are.

You're over simplifying because you memorized a long time ago that 15-7=8. Try telling that to a 6 year old, they're not going to understand how you got that answer because it's just something you memorized, at best they'll hold up their fingers and start counting, and having to start with 15 will present its own

The game industry as a whole needs people like you who can offer consumers the one thing no company with all the PR people in the world can deliver: transparency. Thank you for explaining this clearly without being condescending or patronizing.

Yeah that's always the fun counter-argument: "You know if this wasn't on disc, you'd have to download it, right? Would you rather download 15GB of stuff when it's all done, or have some empty maps included on the disc and cut that down to 5GB?" It's a no-win situation sometimes.

For anyone who's not sure how this works, here's a quick primer (source: I work in game development):

When you make a big, open-world style game like Destiny, there's a lot of stuff that goes into what is essentially pre-visualization.