Not everyone needs bras all the time. Bras are for support, they're not a statement on morality. We should have moved on past this, but apparently not.
Not everyone needs bras all the time. Bras are for support, they're not a statement on morality. We should have moved on past this, but apparently not.
Buried about five folders deep on my desktop is a directory called "Porn;" it's filled with troll faces and pictures of cats. . .now we wait.
Ok, obviously who knows the whole story but I don't give a fuck what someone is saying to you to 'antagonize' you, physical violence is not the answer and it is fucking gross as hell that people in the comments are somehow sticking up for Solange with the old, 'Oh, maybe she is a mean drunk', 'He must have done…
I'm guessing he didn't play Triple Triad enough to get Lionheart on Disc 1.
Muramasa:Rebirth and YS: Memories of Celcetia are keeping me busy.
Guacamelee! [Cross-Buy, Digital] ($5) | Amazon
Very true in terms of Spiderman comics, but in regards to supervillains in general the formula leaves out the possibility of the hero teaming up with other heroes. If a teamup of villains was facing a similar teamup of heroes, then the villains would all retain their full competency.
I have two White female friends (one a friend from college, another a work friend) both married to Black men. Their realization of what it means to be associated with Black men and Black people in the US of A has led them both to awakenings like KK's. Years into their relationships they are still jarred when they…
I go there because
My university is incredibly diverse, like, massively diverse, but I'm on the games programming course, which is about 80% white males, 2 or 3 female students are there too, this year we were lucky enough to have a female black student which is excellent.
But why is it not as diverse as the computer science course? Well…
Whoa, whoa, whoa. That's an extremely ignorant comment to make. As a person who has also "developed before", I'm calling shenanigans on your apparent deep knowledge of this game's code base. There is absolutely no way that you can know the exact means of this aspect's implementation. You can't just assume that…
But that's not how it works. Skin color doesn't mean you are fundamentally different, better, worse or anything. But it will fundamentally affect the way you are treated in every moment in society.
You do understand that the game originally allowed same sex marriages, right? The code that came over to the US was after a patch, to enable same sex marriage all they had to do was bring over the pre-patched code. Any modern repository or backup system would make doing this trivial.
As a programmer let me just say Nintendo has a huge point here, it is extremely hard to make such a coding change. Most likely they would have to edit something like
i have developed before. Itd take commenting out a single line of code to allow it. And they do have the code
Of course, denying gay people the right to get married in a game about relationships and marriage is itself "social commentary."
hi. black female software developer here. speaking solely for myself, i don't write games (for a living) because i'd rather play them than write them. i can also make a much nicer, steadier living working for some government contractor than working for an indie developer. family life balance also comes into play. at…
Or we could require all men to wear their hair in a bun.
"Who he is" changes completely every handful of seasons. It's been stated by The Doctor that gender can change during regeneration, and we've seen it happen with race.