
Again, no one is being prevented from actually doing anything. It's just common sense to not use terms around or toward people if you are not absolutely sure of how they will be recieved.

I'd disagree. Actually preventing someone from using terms could possibly be racist since there is a play on power. Just saying not to say something in certain company is not racist.

That was actually my favorite part of the segment. In that single statement he covered the most important part of this entire discussion that is frequently overlooked...context. Trinadad put it plainly that if I say this to you I feel we have that connection/relationship. You don't have that relationship, I don't say

There is a materia that swaps the values

If the house is large enough it isn't unusual for them to have a cafeteria with workers.

If the button remapping goes over to Remote Play I may genuinely squee or loud. If only you could remap your remote play controls.

You should be able to since the Vita doesn't require ps plus for online play.

I'm still kicking myself for not doing that. Somehow my sub expired on Christmas so I literally couldn't resub until the 26th.

Can someone post a gif of Pikachu getting slapped around by Raichu? I love that scene.

Needs more heavy breathing

To me, any game that you enjoy has replay value. After all the talk about single player and multiplayer it still comes down to "Did you enjoy it?" If the answer is yes then more than likely you will keep playing or at the very least have the desire to.

As a creative person you can easily learn more culturally about others to include characters of varying backgrounds.

Can you access Marvel Unlimited content from the Comics app?

Here is the problem for hardcore players of this type of game. You eventually have nothing to gain and everything is bad to you. There are still a handful of weapons that I want that I'll do the nightfall and raids for so I still play a few hours to try to get those. Outside of that I'm okay.

Saw Best Buy Gamers Club Unlocked for 30 bucks in store today. Checked online and didn't see the same deal. If that's your thing you may want to check your local store

Born and raised in AL. Lived here all but 3 years of my life. People are losing their shit here and I just shake my head. It's sad really. I've heard all of the complaints about this, mostly bible based, which I get. The one that probably bothers me the most is the cry of activist judges goign against the will of the

I got one from my 3rd Nightfall last week. Let's just say that getting that and then Xur selling Ice Breaker made me an uber happy fellow.

umm show down there champ. That last statement needs to be taken back and we have Florida

This is giving me the opportunity to play games that got bumped when the Destiny DLC released. I could probably push to finish the Last of Us and AC Unity if things stay down long enough. I hope they don't though

There is no way I can hate the cryptarch. The legendary engrams I get are always useful. And enough blue ones turn into Strange Coins and Motes of Light. The real love comes from the Exotic helm engrams. I've bought 4 total and got 2 helms for my Hunter main that I wanted. I have one for my Warlock and have the new