This is a UX nightmare to me. It's not that the buttons don't have meaning it's that they are inconsistent.
This is a UX nightmare to me. It's not that the buttons don't have meaning it's that they are inconsistent.
One can only hope. I'm not even good at fighters really but not having a capcom fighter in my PS4 hurts my heart. Injustice does not scratch the same itch
I'm probably being nitpicky but the station is ABC 33/40.
I joined the Bungie community just around the Destiny Alpha. As someone that is new the place is a constant complaint except for a few good threads.
If you haven't played it, Transistor is really good. About the same length as Child of Light though
Isn't it always?
So far this year it's been Second Son, Transistor, and Child of Light. If I was farther along in Watch Dogs it would probably be in there as well
FFX for 25 at Best Buy? And I have 25 in RZ certificates? And I have no time to invest in it? Let me see if the Vita version is the same price
Dragon Age 2, the FFXIII trilogy, the original ending to Mass Effect 3
That's 500 million for a 10 year plan. Not for one game.
The opening sequence of Ninja Gaiden is still epic. Two ninjas run towards each other and jump in the air and slash each other.
But...she's not electric
Just you :)
So has anyone mentioned that a pride has a single male lion? Therefore making Simba and Nala siblings.
Not trying to do the console war things but by comparison the PS4 let's you play while patches download. You'll probably have any network functionality locked out though. Does the XBox One totally lock you from playing at all?
This is the greatest thing video game related I've read all week. And that includes E3!
I'm a huge supporter of Swiftkey. My first Android keyboard was Swype, before it hit the Play Store at that. I did enjoy it but the typing was not accurate to me. I got Swiftkey for free from Amazon and loved it. I later purchased the tablet version since it wasn't one app at the time. When they merged the app I got a…
"They are the people who, when you walk in [to their home], there's no books on their book shelves. They're all game packages. They're the people who stood in line at midnight [for the console's launch]. They really are a fantastic consumer for us. They're a great part of the PlayStation nation."
Alternating days is the only type of thing I've found to work
Breakfast isn't the greatest thing ever. That would be breakfast food. Pancakes, waffles, bacon, eggs, cereal, all taste better between the hours of 3PM and 4AM.