
Wait, it is? I have the PS4 version but didn't know this. Hoping the Vita version will join the cross buy.

Thanks, the audio quality point makes a lot of sense. I have a Sony BT headset that I used with my PS3 but only used it for the mic. I guess I'm paranoid some on missing some outside sound if I'm using a headset.

So here is a silly question: What scenarios do people use gaming headsets headsets?

Back when I played WoW I would typically choose a female avatar depending on the race and class I chose to play. Tauren or Troll, male. Blood Elf, female. I hated most of the male Horde models.

Congratulations. This is the first time I've considered getting a Wii U. Plus I think my wife would play this and other Mario games

Gotcha. Shifting to the optical drive, I'd still be not for it only because, at least in the US, so many people still either have data caps or not so good Internet.

A driveless system would be pointless. The HDD is too key to the system.

Unfortunately that's par for the internet

Until Watch Dogs is released I'll be focusing on Conception 2 and I trying to finish Lightning Returns. May try to finish my PS4 backlog a little more as well

Really enjoying Child of Light. I've been playing it primarily via Remote Play and I do wish it was available on the Vita as well. I did finally play it on the PS4 natively on the TV and boy is it gorgeous.

So it would have been Lego Marvel? I want that movie now

Bound by Flame Street date has been formally broken so you can pick it up now.

The Second Son soundtrack had been free on PS4 for a few weeks now. The only downside I've seen is that it's recognized as a game. That means no listening outside of PS4 time unless someone has figured out out.

I saw a headline saying load times were long compared to the PS3 version

Stop...just stop

Just curious, was the class publicized? Kind of hard to sign up for a class one is unaware of

That was me with my bow. Sure I snuck everywhere but I was literally taking everything down before they had a chance to know I was there

A few years ago the Mrs and I was at a Fox and Hound and the awesome bartender let us sample some of their beers. It was that day that we were introduced to Woodchuck. That day has changed our lives. We now keep cider in our home. Whether it be Woodchuck, Angry Orchard, or JK Schrumpy (if you haven't had this please

I played it last night via Remote Play and I was both wanting a Vita version and loving how well Remote Play actually works

I'm so confused on Child of Light and it's release. I thought it was today and I was able to tell it to download to my PS4 since I had preordered. I guess I'll see when I get home.