
Yes. Caius and the Chaos Blade are great!

Are we forgetting the Amazon PSN offering? While the sales aren't always amazing, you can find different deals than what's on PSN a lot of the time.

So i have a 50 buck Best Buy gift card:

So the good is that you stopped using Live. Not that you learned to not make offensive comments...

Can Kirk and Luke confirm the events mentioned in this review? ��

God would I love smarter AI all around. The Deathstroke fight in Arkham Origins was well done in this aspect. You couldn't just button mash and counter. You had to pay attention more and respond accordingly.

I get a sad every time i click the Infamous Collectors Edition link and it's unavailable. You see I preordered before it was announced. Im hoping there will be a copy on shelved by magic next week.

So he's a member of the clitorati? *cluches pearls*

I think I may have ever asked like 2 strippers what their real name was but I think it was just in conversation type thing. It may be some subconscious aspect to it though. The few strippers whose name I actually know I all knew before they became strippers.

The apology was for being left out of the ranking

I want to get in a discussion on the Three 6 Mafia part but I don't really have the strength.

Potions...why do I have so many potions? Literally every home has a section for potions.

I grew up in AL (still live here) as well and you are practically speaking my life. I had a few white friends tell me that their parents told them that they could be friends with me but there was no way we could date. I'm not going to give my parents any slack either because they weren't too much different but I at

We share a birthday...CELEBRATION!

What did I do Owen? I'll change! Seriously, wish you the best in your new gig. I'm starting to read more Polygon so I'll see you there.

Look, we all pretty much agree on Palin. There is absolutely no need to bring Whitesnake into things!

Get the season pass on PSN before the store updates today people, if it hasn't already that is. Best 10 bucks I've spent this year

So guys are we getting South Park?

JRPGs man does this hit home for me. JRPGs are easily my favorite genre but I don't have the time to dedicate to them like I used to now that I'm married with an infant.

There have been ps4 deals. They may not pop up daily but they happen. I've rarely seen hardware but the software has sales somewhere weekly. And that's just best buy and Amazon since I check those regularly. Gamestop does as well. XBox deals are a matter of playing catch up I'm fairly confident in saying so. Hell it's