Hey Shane, or anyone really, I'm looking for a case and wireless charger for my Nexus 5. Should I look on Gizmodo or life hacker for those type of deals?
Hey Shane, or anyone really, I'm looking for a case and wireless charger for my Nexus 5. Should I look on Gizmodo or life hacker for those type of deals?
Freaking excellent work man!
I started don't starve last week. In surprised I like it. I guess i should start Doki Doki as well.
If I didn't have Lego Marvel in ps3 that pc deal would be mine
Great...I'll have to wait for this to go on sale somewhere. My Backlog is large enough
I haven't had any issues that I can think of. Battery life is good enough to me. I can make it through a work day and not charge generally but that's with my battery ending up around 20% after 8-9 hours.
I just got a Nexus 5 for 0 down at T-Mobile if that's an option for you. I only had to pay tax at checkout and it's like 15 bucks a month added to the bill that you can pay off early if you choose to
Not sure if it's just in stores or what but Gamestop is giving a 10 dollar gift card with the purchase of a game and it's guide. They gave it to me with Lightning Returns
I keep seeing you say the game was over six days...everything up to this point had said 13. Did they change something and not say anything?
Going to pick up my copy as soon a the roads clear here. I enjoyed the previous two games and enjoyed this demo so I'm certain I'll like things.
Please divorce your wife. She needs someone better than you.
How have you not upgraded since the Desire? I understand it happens but...yeah
It takes place some years after the main story. I haven't completed it bit I'm not aware of any main story spoilers in it.
So glad someone posted this comic! I have literally read it like 10 times today and it's amazing every time.
Just curious, what area of the South are you from? I'm from AL and I've heard a few sides of it. I've had white girls interested in my in high school and their parents weren't surprised by it but they flat out told them that they couldn't date me. I've heard the same sentiments from some of my black friends and their…
Store will probably need to update this evening before the new stuff is present
Store will probably need to update this evening before the new stuff is present
Since the final Fantasy sale ends today : ff4 and ff5,yes or no?
A few questions.
So...do they even realize that things like FMLA covers men and women? So lets use childbirth as an example. Husband and wife have the same job, wife gets pregnant and has baby. BOTH parents choose to take paternity and maternity leave, the husband actually takes an extra month longer than the wife.