Thank you for this! You could have skipped the lead in about the Pike incident but it's not the purpose of the post.
Thank you for this! You could have skipped the lead in about the Pike incident but it's not the purpose of the post.
This is the only reason I watched the video and it did NOT disappoint! I have tears in my eyes lol
Here is the thing though. I have no issue with that, if they all agree to not be offended by it. But that is within their/your circle. They are smart enough to know that other people may not respond the same way their friends do and act as such.
I'm going to have to disagree. If a word offends you its not necessarily giving it power over you. Its that person that said in insulting you.
I like Dragon Age 2 dangit! Its a good game despite repetitive environments. I can't play Dragon Age:Origins...its sooo slow.
I have yet to finish AC for this exact reason. It's hard going back to it after playing the sequels. Like really hard
Wait, you went through the majority of the game without recruiting any assassins? Granted I didn't use them as much as i had in previous games, I couldn't just skip that and don't see how you did either.
Seriously, this is perfect for how I responded, and I'm from AL.
I'd punch a kitten for more Suikoden
Well put.
Thank you!
Is this really how some women view Ladies Nights? Like seriously?
So much wrong here...
You honestly sound pretty firm in your beliefs but here goes. The Greek System, as you put it, is extremely varied. This goes down to schools, locations, chapters, etc. Pick any combination and you will get a different result. The thing is that people generally will typically initiate people with whom they generally…
This times a million!
If by some small chance they went with the Civil War I would absolutely want it to follow a Southern slave.
I married my drinking partner.
Matt Stone is Jewish
I think its more so to draw attention to DV overall. It's like men being the victims of DV by a female. It happens but its no where near the majority. I would hope any legislation that potentially comes from this covers everyone despite a possible title mentioning women.
This times a million. I brought it up that people (guys) could be turned off by its titled. Most informed me of how things work with the Act...except for that one person that chose to insult me.