Why do we keep having this stupid discussion pop up? Yes women like the same things that are somehow stereo-typically male. At this point its like asking "are there a lot of girls that play basketball?"
Why do we keep having this stupid discussion pop up? Yes women like the same things that are somehow stereo-typically male. At this point its like asking "are there a lot of girls that play basketball?"
lol That's golden. I've played WoW since shortly after vanilla as well and could care less if the person on the other end is a woman or not. Hell my guild leader is a woman and one of the nicest people I've ever met online.
2000 HS graduate. There was never a school wide policy that I'm aware of but it was present. This is a slightly different time now though. Internet use is much more common, anonymity is seen as a protector to do whatever. Kids seem more reckless to me and think things don't have consequences.
Genuine question:
Welcome to Jefferson County...probably
I just love how most puppies I've encountered are fearless no matter the size of the other dog. Also how every dog recognizes a puppy and is majorly gentle with them.
Good job! I too own 2 doxies and for the love of god I just wish one of them would stop barking at everything that moves. Still working on house training but I think we partially aren't worried about it.
Folks will still bitch. Development end a few months before release but people don't like to acknowledge that fact and complain about anything they can
I'm doing likewise. I didn't own aPSP but got the Liberation bundle and went straight for my PS One classics and sound shapes
As a kid I was terrified of loud noises. No circuses, no fireworks show, nothing of the sort.
And in true fashion the majority of the profiles no longer exist or they fall back to the good ole "I was hacked" line. I caught a few of these before they were taken down and lets just say their other tweets were pretty much in line with those posted here.
I have been purposely pointing out the nonsense that my conservative leaning friends and fb friends have been saying. Every time it falls back to either "It was a joke" or them trying to make their statement more neutral than it was intended.
Oh but she can always come back with "Someone didn't bother to vote because someone else said not to because one vote wouldn't matter"
I just want to beat Ruby Weapon...is that so much to ask for?
Yeah I'm not a fan of the Brotherhood armor either. The alternate oufits from the General store are pretty nice though.
Please tell me where the racism comes in.
Everyone knows "black don't crack". He'll age yes, nothing dramatically though.
Unfortunately, despite most rational people voting for Obama, if the Electoral College (I hate the system as is with winner take all in most states) says Romney wins, Romney wins.
" How would you feel if you were assured before going into surgery that your surgeon was the beneficiary of affirmative action in medical school? I do not see why higher academic institutions should lower their standards for admission."
Like Mcmole2 said, it gets much better. I'm nearing the end of sequence 6 and have been pleasantly surprised.