
And the fall of ANTM begins. This is not a good thing for this show.

Quick FFXIII-2 question for those with the Lightning DLC.

While I would love to be face deep in Rihanna I am probably going to say something that will not go over well.

In defense of Drake he doesn't even try to really be a "hard" rapper.

Thank you for putting my sentiments out there simply.

lol total typo.

Oh those were a pain once you get to the ones that have 5 and 6 in them. I eventually used a website lol

So I've picked up FFXIII-2 again since new DLC is out. I'm about 151/160 as far as fragments go and got a nice number of them last night.

To add to the list.

You won't have to play loads of multiplayer. I understand not wanting to do sidequests but they always hold something for you when you do them.

I want to punch Lightning and her non-crystal dropping ass. I did get Amodar but I don't care about him.

Are people still asking for this? Just no.

Infamous 2 did a good balance of this with the flooded area.

Seriously...I hate that game lol

some of the fights I did. I did try most of them before getting the fragment skill after thinking about it.

I want the job of the person that determines error numbers.

Yeah it was really the last gun I wanted outside of the Black Widow. Like you said, it is really accurate. It's slightly faster than the Avenger which I have at level X and was my go to AR of choice because its so light but now...screw that gun lol. My soldier will be walking around with the M-98 Widow and the Geth AR

Granted I haven't played FFXIII-2 in a while. I find the Coliseum battles fun but tough...and I haven't gotten any of the freaking crystals either.

I don't see Square releasing a version with all the DLC included.