
You can keep pretending that "disagreeing with you" means "not understanding the issue"... but you're full of sour owl poop. You can kid yourself into believing that you have a legitimate beef and a solid piece of ground to stand on, but you don't. Capcom isn't screwing anyone over, or cheating anyone, or any of the

I don't know what you mean?

It is called the Harmony Link, it is $100, and it works for Android and i-whatever.

Yeah, I've got one of those Harmony One remotes, and it works great. Whenever it breaks, I'll get the Logitech sensor/app combo that works with my phone(s)/tablet.

Let me try that out...

Hey, if I don't like it, I won't buy it. Crazy how that works in real, non-digital world.

"We older players" includes me, chum. I had a Atari 2600 and Colecovision growing up. Your position, and the position of other gamers on this issue, is entitled garbage. You aren't getting screwed over, you just assume you deserve things that cost money without paying for them.

I'm gonna tell you right now, blue nads suck! And there ain't no silver lining either! :)

I don't see how anyone is getting "screwed over" at all, period, end of discussion. You're not entitled to anything more than what Capcom is willing to sell you, for whatever price they are willing to sell it for, and all the constant whining and griping and complaining makes gamers sound like spoiled children.

I seriously don't get it. Which part is the punchline again?

That could be right... my memory tends towards the shaky over the years and miles.

Well, wait... IIRC, according to one of the novels the Vulcan brain is actually "damaged" by their emotional discipline, and is physically split into a whole bunch of semi-isolated sections.

Feed Any Vegan or Food Allergy-Prone Friend...

Well, it isn't like anyone's looking at her face?

Nobody is forcing to do anything. Video games are a cross between entertainment and a toy. If you don't like one toy, buy a different toy.

You don't have a right to ANYTHING. If they want to put the entire next game on the disc on the release date and charge you an extra $60 to unlock it, then that's what they can do, and you have NO RIGHT to that content either.

Pretty much, although at this point so many gamers are so stuck in "entitled crybaby" mode that who knows what will happen? Apparently, they want game developers to put out new games that they love, every week, for free, and they'll never stop complaining until that's what they get.

Yep, pretty much Highlander II, of the choices that were left.

Oh, I totally thought they were wrong from the jump... but I also remember them saying that they were going to have to check everything a million times and invited other people to try to figure out where they screwed up. I guess the only shame is that it became a big media thing.

I'm actually sort of disappointed that this happened. My understanding of the initial announcement was that the team was "guardedly optimistic" about their results, were completely transparent about things, and invited other groups to double-check every aspect of their work. It seems that the resignations were more