
Not very much though, because it was a pretty cheap guitar and there just isn't that much margin on something that they let you buy for $175... at the end the owner came out and basically pleaded for my dad to take whatever he wanted and just get out. :)

Wow... that's just really awesome.

Yep. I watched my dad absolutely emasculate the owner of a guitar shop for a really cheap guitar. He got them down to the online price, and then proceeded to make them give him a strap, a gig bag, a T-shirt, a hat, a couple of extra sets of strings, a few dozen guitar picks, and a cleaning kit... and then he made them

Well, you can always counter with a crazy low-ball offer and use that to gauge how much they expected to cheat you for.

Big box stores like Best Buy are better for haggling than you'd think, if you're spending over $1000 and don't mind clearance and floor product. I went in there a few years ago and got them to knock an additional 10% off a clearance HDTV, about 50% off of a floor model receiver, about 20% off a Blu Ray player, and so


Did anyone else notice how much they used blue lighting that matched the original universe title sequence color?

Well, that and it is a bunch of oddly-discrete panels, in a couple of slightly different shades of blue? It looks like armor rendered in cloth? Just imagine if the circular bits of metal on the front of Thor's costume were actually pieces of round cloth painted silver and stitched to a black T-shirt, and that's what

I'm still sort of unhappy with Cap's uniform. Everyone else looks legit, and Captain America looks like he's wearing a home-made costume. I really liked the WWII design from the CA movie, and they've abandoned it for... something else. It doesn't help that Chris Evans looks like he's picked up an eating disorder sine

I disagree with the last couple, the rest works for me too.

Back when I used to carry cash and got paid on Fridays, I would put all the change from purchases into a pocket instead of into my wallet, and leave the money there. Whenever I would get around to laundry, I'd have an extra bunch of cash that I wasn't expecting. Jacket pockets would sometimes yield $100 or more since

I guess I'd better get started on the co-op campaign. I've played through the story 5-6 times, but I'm too antisocial to find a friend to play the other campaign with. Must put on to-do list.

I just bought it. It will not launch. Steam support is currently down. Someone will be hearing from me as soon as they turn on their listening ears.

...scary enough trying to clean my new kitten. She's a couple of months old and has already given me a couple of really serious scars in the few weeks I've had her.

Season 2 should just be vampires. Crazy, sexually-frustrated vampires who suck blood because their happy-parts don't work anymore. Ghosts are so Season One.

Those "screens" look like concept art. That could be a nice looking game. The first game was barely acceptable at the $15 or so I spent on it, but the concept isn't bad.

So basically games should end like the end of every Rocky movie: Rocky gets beat and beat and beat and barely survives each round, and then in the end he enters God Mode and just mows down his opponent with the power of every bit of emotion from the whole movie channeled into his fists for three sweet minutes?

That was based on the fact that the game came out around 250 hours ago.

Yeah, it only takes spending about exactly half of your life playing a game on a toy.

Seems fair to me. Or maybe they should just charge $80 for the game, since almost everything else in the last 5-6 years has gone up in price except games.