
About the age difference: yeah, but they are playing Pete and Myka as contemporaries even though he's 11-12 years older than her, so if we use Myka's age as the metric than Kate Mulgrew is the right age.

Young Adult novels are fine, and can be read by adults as well as children. It is the watering-down that makes it "simpering kiddie fodder" not the fact that it is aimed at younger people.

Maybe because he isn't the actual companion, and since he isn't the Doctor's focus he can develop sort of independent of the companion paradigm? Rory can be a hero, because he's not the companion and his growth isn't a direct reflection of the Doctor's bigger character arc.

The irony of this is that the vast majority of people who would read and comment on this article live and breathe that tiny sliver of the market, and neither want or care to hear from anyone outside of it.

I've come to the conclusion that the texture is vitally important for the CGI artists to make a convincing computer model. A more or less smooth surface might tend to look outrageously fake to the human eye, while the textures give your eye and brain something to hang onto in order to maintain the illusion to some

Yes. I'm in the process right now, your new phone comes with a new limited data plan.

I'm not buying another effing thing until the 50th Anniversary editions. Screw that effing Lucas douche.

As soon as I saw the design of the GL costume and lantern battery and all that, I knew the movie was going to be crap. Its like the DC movie folks don't particularly have any fondness for comic book characters, and are just making the movies because they own the rights and what the hell they might sell some toys and

When the recap is better than the show, it MUST be Charlie Jane Anders. :)

I hate to chime in just to agree, but you're spot-on. The original puppet worked because it was real, in a real setting, in a universe of practical effects, shot by people who gave a damn about making it look good.

YEAH! Too bad Lucas can't go back and CGI in a better effing plot, and maybe greenscreen in some decent dialog!

If you don't like Superman, why make a Superman movie?

My understanding is that the last 3-4 movies were unrelated scripts about unrelated stories, that were bought and then Pinhead and the puzzle box were shoehorned into the story in order to link it to the series. Basically the producers figured that they could get some money out of people who were fans of the first

I think everything about 'Miracle Day' points to it being a 5-6 episode British series expanded to a 10-episode American season. This episode and the pilot both felt like full, complete episodes. The second episode on the plane was an effing joke, and seemed almost completely unconnected to anything else besides

Is Moon Knight involved? No? See you next year.

Did anyone here consider that those are poor people who can't afford a car, desperately pedaling their $150 Walmart bicycle to and from their crap job to their sad little trailer?

Hey, if you can't run away from the mugger, it seems to me that you should invest in a personal trainer, better shoes, and improved nutrition. Otherwise, isn't all the running just a waste of time?

That's just ridiculous. A more handy compact 9mm or .40 S&W draws faster and is just as useful at short range. Or pepper spray, which requires less accuracy and gets you in much less trouble with the law.


Amen! "...and then God smote the evil" was never a satisfying climax, especially to a story that big.