Yeah, Lucas is a giant dick. He may have a legal case, and I support his right to make his case in court. From a less-legal standpoint, he's being a giant ass. People love his creation, and he's going around suing people who are supplying his customer base with products that will lead to more Lucas profits.
Have a great time! I'm a MW fan, but I don't give a damn which one you like more, as long as you feel like you got fair value from the games.
Not me, I'm only getting MW3... but I completely respect your right to enjoy both, or one, or neither. I understand that they are different experiences. I don't like the Battlefield stuff, but I'm not so narcissistic that I think that my personal taste is an objective standard.
The two-legged mechs are piloted by human children.
I likes the CoD, but with the other players muted. There's nothing worse than hearing a guy with 65 kills per matchs saying "WTF? WTF!" over and over again for a solid 10 minutes.
Too bad America doesn't have a space program any more...
So Rory is older than the Doctor, and has been more loyal to Amy for a much longer time... which means that whenever Amy and the Doctor part ways, she won't be pining for him the way previous companions have done, because she has a much stronger and more steadfast companion of her own.
It just shows, again, that the simple iconic GL costume was the best idea that the film could have come up with, and ignoring it was one of the biggest mistakes the film made.
Or they could just do the other logical thing, and just charge $10 more for games. After all, when was the last time they raised the price up to $60, five years ago?
Dude... I knew about guy who got drunk and SWALLOWED a straw. No thanks!
Which works fine up until you realize that there's Bacardi 151 and beers that top out at 2-3 times the alcohol content of a Bud Light, or even higher.
Not for recording. I know of podcasts that use them as well.
I'd respond by telling you to rewatch Transformers 2, but I wouldn't wish that on an enemy.
Sure, but the acting was better.
Are you walking away from the explosion in slow motion?
Because we never get a good GL movie once a super-expensive one tanks. Any sequel will probably play it even more safe, make even less sense, and have a lower budget and worse special effects.
This is one of my favorite movies ever! The fact that the movie gets everything wrong is part of its charm, since everyone is SO... DAMNED... SERIOUS! about everything. It was like having the Royal Shakespeare Company act on high school play stages and sets. And oddly, everyone seems to be a bit more than a little…