
@ImprobableJoe: Oh, and maybe we should go after milk for all that unnatural pasteurization and homogenizing?

I'm glad they dropped the "all-natural" label, since I always read it as "marketed to suckers" anyways. Since ice cream doesn't occur in nature either, how do we determine how much processing makes something "unnatural"? It seems like an artificial(pun definitely intended) dividing line.

I'd be more than happy with a Michael Bay "Superman" movie. Superman is the "ultimate Boy Scout", a character who has relatively little depth because he's supposed to have a simplistic enough viewpoint of right and wrong that he isn't tempted to exploit his powers for his own pleasure or advancement. It is fundamental

So is this going to be on BEFORE "The Good Guys" on Friday nights, or AFTER "The Good Guys" on Friday nights?

I always thought that the PC advantage for FPS, if true, was an unrealistic advantage that should be removed from PC FPS games. Console shooters aren't less than PC versions, the PC versions are ridiculously unrealistic. As someone who has real world experience with firearms, the sort of accuracy you find in console

@Lex Luthor II: Have you ever been punched in the throat? It doesn't matter who does it, you're going down, hard.

That's actually a pretty clever ad. I like it! For all the fun you can have playing video games, you're not really rocking out with a plastic controller.

I can't believe I've actually seen this movie. I'm so ashamed.

@BiteKick: "The Stainless Steel Rat Returns" obviously. The first couple of chapters are free online!

I'm just glad someone still remembers the Stainless Steel Rat. And I guess there's a new book out... yay!

The RE movies are cheesy good times for the most part. I'm thinking that focusing on cool 3D effects instead of plot will actually improve the movie, because this sort of movie isn't about plot anyways.

@zegota: Empire was so heavy-handed that I threw it in the trash after maybe 15-20 pages. It read like one of those political emails that get forwarded to everyone by that one uncle nobody likes.

@RyaninCalgary: I didn't realize that "not using things without paying for them, when people expect to get paid for them" was some sort of exalted position that only a saint could hold. I used to even think that it was the default position.

The only real downside I see to this is in the pay-to-play aspect. Some people expect more from their money than an hour or two a day as a set maximum. I can see how that would be irritating.

The problem would also be solved if people would stop pirating... but I guess ethical behavior is too much to ask these days.

Anyone downloading pirated material deserves a new and uniquely vexing virus every time they make a new attempt to steal intellectual property from others... plus, I get to laugh at them! :)