
What Bekaby said. I'm a huge supporter of moms who want to and can breast feed, but there is absolutely nothing to feel guilty about. You are becoming a mom. The fact that you are even worried about something as relatively trivial as this suggests you are going to be pretty good at it.

As a seasoned veteran to a

When the day comes and you are a mother, please don't feel guilty about feeding your babe. Formula is not an evil product invented to poison children and not breastfeeding is not a sign of failure or bad parenting. Formula was and is designed to deliver important nutrients to babies, full stop. Don't let the

Whenever you're feeling guilty about formula, I recommend you remind yourself about the wonderful life, full of love, stability and support, that you're giving the child.

I've donated milk before, but I just prepared/froze it like I would for Baby Creme. Hand washing is important!

Again, you clearly know nothing about how complicated feeding a baby, particularly breastfeeding a baby can be. Even at seven months old there could still be hardships and complications with breastfeeding that would require a woman to be near her baby at all times. Frankly, I think there is a solid argument for

You think? To me, it seems like she was pregnant, and now she's, y'know, The food source for the result.

You find it odd that she's "using her child" to defer? If her kid won't take the bottle and she can't afford childcare (no surprise; childcare is craze expensive and jury duty pays a whopping $15/day, at least here in Cali) then...what exactly is she supposed to do? Let her kid starve alone at home while she gets

She keeps using her child as the reason for the determent, because the child IS the reason. Try to understand the biology and the decisions that the family has already made for taking care of child. Consider the impact this will have on her ability to function as a juror.

It's ridiculous when it's a matter of a woman feeding her child as she sees fits and attending a civic duty which the state could easily find a replacement. Yes, you were expressing a practical concern, but inevitably the decision to introduce a bottle has to be when the parents of the child see fit, not when you get

Sorry, just saw your lovely idea that it is possible to switch from bottle feeding to breast feeding with he help of a lactation consultant. A) not what they are for and B) your milk dries up if you don't feed your baby. That's how people, you know, stop breast feeding.

Right. I'm really going to expect someone to find a WETNURSE when they can't even find child care. For something as inconsequential as jury duty!!!!

Yes, you are supposed to believe that breast feeding mothers who do not pump because their baby COMPLETELY REFUSES to take a bottle are around their babies at least every three hours for the first six months. After that, the baby is having solid food and needs much less breast milk. I am guessing your knowledge of

I have a friend who exclusively breast fed her kid for the first 6 months of his life. And yes, she never left him for more than 3 hours during that entire time. When he was 6 months old, she had to go out of town for the weekend (her grandmother was very ill and they thought she was going to pass away that weekend-

My kids are 2 years old and they have yet to grant me a sick day. You just keep taking care of them, no matter how sick you are. That's what stay at home parents do if they don't have a local support system.

YES, I NEVER went away from my child for longer than 1 hour for the first year of her life!! I breastfed and I didn't pump. doesnt really matter what you believe but dont talk about situations you dont know/ understand. It's not as simple as just pump and give the baby a bottle!

You don't have babies, that's pretty clear. Infants (say 6 months and under) need to be fed every couple of hours for the very young and every 3-4 hours for the older ones. Some babies WILL. NOT. TAKE. A. BOTTLE. Believe me, I tried with mine. My husband tried. My mom tried. Several babysitters tried. I threw out

Babies conform to our sleep schedule??? WTF?? Have you ever had a baby? They don't conform to anything!

Some mother's can't bottle feed their child. When I nursed, my baby refused to take a bottle. I pumped & stored milk in bottles & my baby refused. It sucked. Breast feeding is difficult & I admire anyone who nurses their child. A baby's health takes priority over jury duty.

May I introduce you to my now 10 year old? He wouldn't take a bottle, and I had to work. So he would wait. And wait. Until I got home from work and then nurse for 4 hours straight. Not ideal by any situation, but that was what we had to do. Just because you haven't heard of it happening doesn't mean it isn't so.


And furthermore, you sound very hostile to breastfeeding mothers in general. You might not know, but nursing mothers are advised against introducing a bottle or pacifier too early, which could cause nipple confusion and make the baby reject the breast. Then you lose the quickest, most convenient way to feed your