
Omg. I watched this a little while ago on YouTube. Sometimes I go on sprees where I watch cyst removals, ear wax extraction, etc. I know I'm not the only who enjoys this type of shit because there are millions of views on these videos. So I'm not ashamed.

If tampons were always free then maybe they'd be less of a commodity and people wouldn't feel the need to nick them? Like, I can imagine sticking a few in my bag so I didn't get caught short next time I was out, but if I knew that next time I was out I could just grab a free one from a basket, I probably wouldn't

Maybe it'd work if they put them in those paper towel dispensers that you wave at. It'd make it inconvenient and embarrassing to stand there waving at that thing for 5 minutes trying to get all the tampons.

Maybe at first, but if it became the norm? I'm not so sure. I mean do people regularly steal toilet paper rolls from public restrooms? Like, besides college students...

As a person with depression and generalized anxiety disorder, I didn't read it that way. I've been medicated for about seven years now and I still have mixed feelings about it - I'm grateful that my meds help me function like a normal person instead of sleeping 18 hours a day and having panic attacks during the other

If I may? I don't know this, but it's possible that Dunham may have meant that her issues were of the kind that were treatable with meditation rather than medication, that her mother didn't go leaping toward medication right off the bat, and for that she is grateful. Some people are lucky enough to be able to treat

Why must people criticize other people's management of their mental disorders? It's one thing for Lena to say meditation works for her, but to say she's "thankful" she wasn't put on meds suggests going on medication is harmful. This attitude is all too common; I've dated guys & had friends who had depression or mood

Yep. My mom braided my hair as a kid, and her mom braided her hair. My Swiss great-grandma never cut her hair, and she wore it in a long braid, twisted into a bun her whole life. Braids have a significant history in European and white cultures.

It's not about appropriation — I'm critiquing the way the author talks about a hair trend (i.e., presenting the white experience as universal).

Wait, why is this about white women somehow appropriating the braid? I've been putting my hair into two braids since I first read that Laura Ingalls did that to her hair with ribbon.

How about the long history of intricate European hairstyles that traditionally involved braids? Celts and Gaels and the Dutch, oh my! The

"Sarah had always been a liar." I love that sentence. I love when people are just known as "liar" like it's conventional wisdom that she's the town liar.

I once dated a guy that spoke with a British accent and claimed to have grown up in England. We dated for about a month when we randomly met his parents... Who had no accents. He fessed up pretty fast, but it was beyond awkward.

I can dredge up nothing weirder because I have no such memories to draw from. On the plus side, if you stay single forever then your significant other can never lie to you.

But wait. Who is that? It looks like Michael Sheen. If so... SQUEE!

I don't expect other people to bow down to my opinion. As for non parents trying to tell parents what's up, I suggest you not practice this in your real life. You end up looking like the self righteous asshole you people are accusing me of.

Mostly because you don't know what you are talking about. Not being a mom and all. There is a huge difference between going to work and going overseas for days. Jesus.

We are talking about one particular issue here, not the whole fucking realm of parenting. I'm absolutely sure that I am not and will not be the perfect parent. There is no such thing. But on this on little tiny slice of parenting, leaving your newborn at home while you attend fashion week in another country, i'm

But maybe you could argue that she was consenting to having a penis in her, not consenting to having a dildo, that she is saying yes to hetero sex but they end up having lesbian sex, so the deceit is about the kind of sex they have?

The new health care system is not a health care system so much as a way to buy health insurance.

Wait. What?! You would be behind paying taxes so that new moms could have nannies?