Yeah. More "Yale appropriate" than actually "gender neutral."
Yeah. More "Yale appropriate" than actually "gender neutral."
It's amazing to me that people think women have more to gain by saying sex was rape than men have to gain by saying rape was sex.
I'm not sure why you were so certain I was referring to the Japanese names.
Ah yes! Because rape cases are often so thoroughly investigated and rapists are very very often convicted, even with DNA evidence and eye witness testimony. Men who assault women often serve so much time in jail, for real offenses, right? Oh...wait.
False reports of rape are about 6%, which is in line with false reports of any other crime. When you factor in the reality that less than half of rapes that occur actually get reported, that percentage is even lower.
Aw, come on, they do skew pretty WASP-y, with the exception of Ryo and Kai.
Yes! Rise with me, my people, Mitten, and Shep, and Walker, and Stuyvie, and Candy! And Chet, and Douggie, and even Bouvier! Someone has to go to the Maidstone Club after all.
Um, honey, I work with sexual assault detectives, and both statistically and anecdotally, false accusations are rare here. We've had two cases in two years, and they were both punished quite harshly. And, I worked with both their victims and happen to know that they both received large compensation for what they…
Someone should make a bingo board for comments in these articles. I imagine you could clear a whole row with three comments.
I believe it comes under "rare and sensationalist news stories".
Minus the fact that they still won't call a rape RAPE.
The only problem I have with this is that, since they are ambiguous about the genders of the people involved, it can leave people the impression that the man is the aggressor 100% of the time... and that all these situations are heterosexual. It's not clear if some of these situations are same sex or if the aggressor…
“I want to give a really BAD party. I mean it. I want to give a party where there’s a brawl and seductions and people going home with their feelings hurt and women passed out in the cabinet de toilette. You wait and see.” -Nicole Diver in Tender is the Night.
I was with a nerdy / socially awkward crowd too. Stories of doing first things do movies or other events was pretty common. (I first made out to Braveheart, and afterward we both learned that we would've rather watched the movie. Ow.)
All I got out of this was, I don't think she knows what the word "hippie" means. All the old, crunchy hippies I know aren't afraid of butter, cheese, or eggs. They love all of those things, especially when they come from organic farmer friends. I think what she means is "some kind of obsessive, orthorexic shame…
I love the family members who clearly don't like to dance in front of people so they're kind of walking quickly to their seat, getting out of the way.
You need a 6x6 space? I only need the space in my mind for willpower. I will myself sexy.
So if a couple uses barrier methods with an ~85% effective rate, they're "trying to prevent pregnancy" but if the couple uses withdrawal with an ~80% effectiveness rate they're not???? What about couples who use spermicides alone (~75%) or the ones who used the sponge before it went off the market (~70%)?
I really don't think "trying" and not doing anything to stop it are the same thing. I'm in the situation they're talking about in the article:BC does some nasty things to me, but I'm engaged, we've been together 5 years, and are within spitting distance of financial stability. It wouldn't be the end of the world if I…