
Leaving for work in a few, but do they address the PS3 issue of the game completely locking and requiring a hard reset?

My PS3 is fairly new, and despite people online claiming it's from overheating due to extended play, I can be 10-15 minutes into a game and randomly everything locks up. Can't even quit to the XMB

Kids already done more to become a blemish on the world at 13 than most everyone else.

First was the best. The others got ridiculous, but I still have them and bust them out for background noise at times.

Flamenco has led to some fun theories though on why it changes so abruptly.
My favorite so far is the idea that what we're watching is a dramatized TV take on the real, kick-ass styled Samurai Flamenco, and that the TV executives grew bored of the mediocre ratings and warped it into this sentai/rider show to draw in an

But you didn't also throw Harbor in there. I think that is where people are finding issue.

I had friends name their firstborn daughter ...sigh... "Chaosity Jewel". Get it? Chaos, jewels, -ity. Stupid name, and for the record, everyone just started calling her C.J. instead.

I'm a pretty devoted fan, but out of all of this I don't mind Nina and Peridot's designs. I just think they would work better in 'real' BoF game.

I love the art style, but I'm not reassured at all. Mostly because I don't play mobile games and FTP PC are a dime a dozen and generally don't hold my interest for long.
It's kind of infuriating that I keep seeing old properties I love being driven into barely related products.
I would love a newer and beautiful take on

Well good, the whole goddamn peanut gallery is out insulting this strangers appearance and lifestyle. Glad gawker commenters are so perfect that they can always cast the first stone.

I slowed down how much I play on PC because I couldn't stand the elitist mentality.
Plus, I run 4 year old hardware and generally my PC is a workspace/media hub rather than a gaming platform.
Not to say I don't own a massive steam list and play MMO's on occasion, but the whole 'master race' thing is a joke taken too far

You can buy garages around town. Found one last night for 30,000. Lets you store multiple cars.

Looks like it, and I love the design.

I don't even....

If your into heroes, give Tiger and Bunny (corporate superheroes) and/or Zetman(kinda like the Guyver with a shot of grimdark) a shot. Same character designer is involved with both series and both have pretty unique characteristics.

I'm a fan of anime designs in general up until the mid 90's or so and get progressively pickier as time moves on. I loved the hand-drawn qualities and thicker proportions compared to the noodley sameness I see in a lot of works today. Of course, the general settings that come with animes that are Moe or whatever