
Leaving for work in a few, but do they address the PS3 issue of the game completely locking and requiring a hard reset?

My PS3 is fairly new, and despite people online claiming it's from overheating due to extended play, I can be 10-15 minutes into a game and randomly everything locks up. Can't even quit to the XMB

I love the first movie, DoTM was pretty good as well.

I do.
I love turning off my brain and indulging in the spectacle of it all. Especially when I can catch it in the theater.
Not art, but where else am I going to see Diesel and The Rock fist fight then drive fast for some reason?
Plus, they have Michelle Rodriguez and I love her.

I think this has been done since at least WWII.
I believe there used to even be videos of US soldiers testing flamethrowers on live pigs, because it gives a more realistic depiction of the injuries sustained than anything else on hand.

I don't necessarily think it's fun to think about, but I do think this kind of


Good stuff.
My view is everyone should strive to strike a balance in life, and if religion helps you go ahead and embrace it.
Of course, I also find some comfort in the idea that my dead best friend may be somewhere free of pain after a life of accidents and sickness rather than just rotting away in a graveyard south

Honestly, I don't mind pink/red armor, but I'm a huge fan of Char Aznable.
I'm excited about the prospects of seeing cosplayers though. More unique star wars pieces at cons.

Glad they went with fuzzy Chewbacca, but this design is pretty awesome. Glad to see it being used.
I love it when older ideas get the greenlight in properties.

My girlfriend loves men's boxers.
She started wearing 'em after I pointed out how much I love them. Because for me it's either boxers or going commando.

I'm a huge fan of the original RoboCop, but the new one was very nice.
Like some people, I saw a lot of the DeusEx styled elements in it and I welcomed them with open arms.

My only real problem with the movie was the fact that I wanted more. The plot lines fell in order, which made things tidy and it felt more like a

It really varies. You have to remember that a lot of groups slide completely under the radar due to the geography and promotion of events.

The BEST game I ever played was a local event, invite only, and died within a few years. But it was completely free form. We had a small town made up in the woods, on-site in-game

Kids already done more to become a blemish on the world at 13 than most everyone else.

Do they ever have to deal with hunters on this show?
I notice a lack in these monster themed shows regarding competent monster hunters.

I don't agree with young earth creationist views, but I find earth-seeding God/alien overlords/magic universe creation to be a fun read at the very least.

I like it.
Really all I can say, I love superhero movies, and this looks like it'll hit a sweet spot between cheese and seriousness.

Glad to see the Apsalus III found work again (6sec in) I'm sad we'll never get an 08th MS Team Movie.

Also would work as a Tecmo's Deception trap, or maybe as an obstacle to get into my secret fortress.

I enjoyed War. It managed to entertain me the whole way through.
Nice to see Diana get some screen time.
And I loved the banter between the cast, it really helped set the campy tone, because as much as I would like to pretend I can, I can't take the Justice League seriously. So the movie set the right tone with me as


First was the best. The others got ridiculous, but I still have them and bust them out for background noise at times.