
I'm not a big fan of Green Lantern, but it was a nice change of pace to give a different DC headliner a shot. Young justice would be great to see returned, but didn't they essentially kill it's viability by not having a -ton- of toys and collectibles come out? I don't think I ever saw a YJ action figure of even

I got my hands on the episodes in HD and it immediate silenced my concerns about the budget and style the characters. They look great once you get used to their proportions (and DC does this kind of styling with everything lately) and there is even some very nice texture work on their clothing. I actually think the

I can't tell if you're a genuine troll of if you're really into throwing this much of a tantrum. Regardless, I'm glad you are keeping it classy.

I know, I'm not attempting to be a dick or anything. I just happen to know a lot of people who wait for the trades and compendiums to come out before they do anymore reading. I picked up that particular issue, but a lot of people I know are still right around that point in the series since comics are an every so often

I'm hoping for some love for Rodan. Given the reaction people had to Otachi in Pacific Rim, I think it would work pretty well to have a more nimble looking flier involved. Of course, I think we also could benefit from another heavy hitter who can tackle and throw Big G as well.

I applaud your positive attitude.

Oh come on, was the image really needed? Not everyone runs out to read the latest issue. I think there could have been a little more restraint is showing the spoileriffic big reveal of Walking Dead officially jumping the shark. Not everyone jumps at the chance to read issues as they come out and some people wait for

d-does it really get that bad? I know people heap on the hate, but all I've ever seen was the first season, and I loved it. In fact, I have it on DVD and have been meaning to through it in as background noise lately. But I've never picked up anything further along because of how terrible it apparently becomes.

I dug the precursors. They looked so spindly and weak and had a delightfully goofy plan for colonizing our world. I think they, and their plan, worked very well in PR because the movie doesn't take itself to seriously.

Same here. I didn't have any problems telling what was going on despite the night fights.

Disabilities are something close to my heart. So this video was intense to watch. My mothers spine was crushed in an accident at work when I was 10, so I've spent my adult life wondering when I'm going to get THAT phone call.
It's been a bumpy ride, she's fallen and broken limbs due to the limitations placed on her.

I liked WWZ. I walked out entertained and felt it met all the criteria for a big blockbuster popcorn flick. I think a lot of people are just disappointed that it didn't follow the book. Oh well, I'll still grab it for my movie collection.

Well, one of the things I consistently liked about First Class was Mystique. So, despite it being Sony, I wouldn't mind a Raven Darkholme standalone film with J.Law. ...Or if Marvel were to secure it.....

I loved the movie, but along with most SciFi films I go out and enjoy I had no one to talk to about it. The best I could do is tell my girlfriend I'll be picking it up on BluRay when it releases for her to enjoy in the background.
None of my friends are really into Trek or anything space related unless it involves an

I don't like the character, but I enjoy the movie.

I had someone get on a moral highhorse once and attack a friend and myself for liking the movie. He was drunk and insisting we were rape celebrating backwards idiots who didn't get morality and perpetuated rape culture and yadda yadda.
He even got weirdly physical and

I love the O'Neil type colonies. I became a massive fan of them after the original Gundam series. Just have to make sure that no one detonates nuclear powered mechs on the surface and you should be good.

I loved it, but I enjoy Cumberbatch and like the fact Trek is still getting love on film after sitting on the sidelines for so long. I was amused as all hell throughout.