
I dig the car. I'd be in for about half the price pending a rust check. Put the stock rims back on and sell the 22s. CP @ $15K.

I could only stand a minute of that. I know they're not cinematographers, but that was painful.

This is a Prius I can support!

Thanks for the palette cleanser!

It looks like a derpy turtle with a platinum grill...

It's somewhat blasphemous, but I like it...

I like our neighbors to the north. I haven't met anyone from Quebec though. The people i met in the Toronto area don't even like to claim them as Canadians...

I see your point, but the author isn't originally a US citizen. I would like to know if the rest of the world sees it that way as well. Thoughts?

Point taken.

America is not exclusive to the United States of...

So Canada being in North America doesn't count?

Snow tires on an interceptor. The Canadians know what's up...

Sadly, no. It's a Traverse.

Chevrolet, are you paying attention? We need more of this...

Price: $19,800.00

One can only hope. The new Impala is a good looking car.

Not at all my friend. I tend to identify more with Gen X b/c I have older cousins that were squarely in that generation and I do remember Cobain's suicide (I was 13). I feel like there was around 5 or so years (class 0f 98' to 03' approx) that are kind of caught in the middle.

Been there, done that. Fighting the urge to do it again...

A euro spec 735i, I believe.