
I saw it yesterday and really loved it. For me it was maybe slightly less sensical than other Ghibli movies and open to more interpretation but otherwise made sense and flowed properly to me.

1. “buy” not by”
2. Five years is a long time in tech. If you think any experience you had five years ago is still valid today, you have issues. 

Christ you Apple fanboys are insufferable. Any valid criticism of Apple is met with “bUt wHaT aBoUt GOOGLE?!” as a response. JFC Apple doesn’t care about you, stop defending them as if it benefits you.

Apple is anti-consumer, and that isn’t good for anyone.  

Let’s be really clear here though - Apple is claiming that this is a security risk because of “fake credentials” but the only thing that’s fake about the way Beeper Mini was registering devices was that it was *lying about the type of physical device you were using*. It wasn’t sending any sort of falsified user

These were authenticated users. They were registered using the same API that iOS iMessage users registered.  

I think it’s funny apple is now compared to 2012 androids... how the mighty have fallen. lol

Superior” Thanks for the laugh this morning. lol

It’s gratifying to see audiences take a chance on a film with subtitles, especially when it stars everyone’s favorite nuclear allegory and erstwhile eco-parable. With any luck, the strikes in Hollywood create a window where exhibitors are more willing to put films like this on the screen.

It puts into stark relief the fact Disney pumps $200+ million into blockbusters that look like absolute crap, while Toho spends $15 million and produces a film with solid gold CGI. And it’s not like Japanese film hasn’t got its own problems with crunch and shoddy work practises - so what gives? I can’t ALL be salaries

Even two sounds crazy.  That is more than 8 cups of coffee.  

Is this a form of mental illness? Who the fuck cares what color your chat bubble is in a competitor’s text messaging app?

*pulls old Windows phone from the depths of a desk drawer.* Yep, can confirm. Looks like Nokia Lumia circa 2013. 

Herd animal

S24 will mostly be a sidegrade. And they are reportedly replacing the 10x telephoto with a 5x with a higher resolution sensor. Keep your S23U imo!

The fact that text bubble colors is brag/shame worth thing is kind of scary. Hardware aside, Apple is definitely selling the best Kool Aid.

People who don’t care about the social group, and want a phone that has much better flexibility and compatibility with the rest of the non-Apple world. 

Loved the aesthetics of this show, especially any time we were focused on the Crows and their side of the wall!

I think using the JD Power average cost for vinyl wraps probably isn’t comparable to a PPF wrap. An average of 3,500 cost seems very low for a full sedan PPF wrap. I would have guessed a starting point for full sedan PPF wraps was around 5k and you go up from there. That’s not to say that the Tesla wrap isn’t

Factory wrapping is a great idea, but this is not how to do, or price it. 

He was absolutely riveting in Luke Cage as Cottonmouth. I’m looking forward to seeing him in this.