
Something that should have been mentioned in this guy got his start making his own movies. Like, he animated, directed, produced and even (temporarily) did the voices for them too! That’s not too remarkable these days, in our current era of animation software you can run on your phone, but this guy did this back in

Me - its very noticeable and drives me bonkers when I think something is gonna be in 4K but is just in HD. My bf thinks I’m crazy because I’m also super sensitive to framerates and had to fiddle with his TV settings to turn off motion smoothing.

So basically Samsung Pass but Google?

Had all this feature for months.. also Google done this way before Apple.

THIS is how I felt about it. I thought it was *fine* but really loved that they let this guy make a big, original sci-fi action-drama that wasn’t a Star Wars and wasn’t based on some established IP. A film like this making money would help support more original films like this. (Especially because, as the filmmaker

+1 I was pleasantly surprised by it. It’s the second-best theatrical Disney Star Wars film after Rogue One, IMO.

I’m not really sure why Solo got panned so badly. It wasn’t amazing, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as some made it out to be. Glover and Alden Ehrenreich were both pretty good in it, IMO.

“Nobody I know is watching it” doesn’t mean it’s not a big discussion, it just means your friends are 0.00000001% of the population. 

I don’t want his backstory per se, but I do want his motivations: why does he think that recovering Thrawn and spawning a new era of galactic conflict is a good thing? It doesn’t seem like blind “The Empire did nothing wrong!” idolatry, there’s some internally-justified reason.

Yeah, just learned the actor died in May. So watching the episode was extra sad.

I would be very happy if they don’t go into Skoll’s backstory at all. He’s fascinating as it is, as Stevenson gives us everything that we need in his weary performance. This is one of those situations where fans are left wanting more and they absolutely shouldn’t get it. Less is more.

Honestly, based on how he looks now and after years of seeing him as Ray Donovan, I see him even MORE as a good Sabertooth actor. The maturity and “grizzled” factor fits the character well.

Cool, I thought he was great as Sabretooth. 

I disagree the most Star Trek of Star Treks in modern Trek has been Strange New Worlds and The Orville. 

Its one of those weird mid 90s things where it is somehow both rooted in the aesthetics of the time but actually timeless and beautiful.

I have a Hero 11 black. If you try to record in 4k 60fps or above, you can pretty much count on the damn thing just shutting off. I would much rather have a camera that stays on than most of the fancy features they keep tacking on in each new version.
I use my GoPro to record our band and I use an external battery and

lol no this one will actually last past it’s warranty date and costs less than the cheapest decent bimmer. This listing was overpriced, but so is basically every BMW.


I’m sorry, modest? I’m comparatively out of the loop on a lot of current tech, but looking at the specs on this thing, it looks like it absolutely demolishes the SteamDeck in pretty much every technical category.

govee has a solid system.  my friend took a chance on it and after a little bit learning to use the app it works well and the colors are changing.  she didnt get the one they have with the camera thats like this but im willing to buy it after her experience with the rest of their stuff.