
Are you kidding? So many people from all economical tiers are trying to be an aspiring streamer/influencer nowadays. People are willingly uploading the necessary sample data to get themselves deepfaked - just need to comb through and ingest all their socials.

“(the guy who played Lockwood is basically David Tenant 2.0)“

I’ve heard people saying that, young Hiddleston, but to me he most looks like a young Clive Owen.

Still cracks me up that Michael Sheen was Lucien in Underworld and then eventually, Azzie, in Good Omens.

Google Authenticator app just upgraded on Android and doesn’t even use this old icon from the article cover photo.

Like the best parts of the lightsaber dojo levels of Vader Immortal. It’s what gives those titles such replayability.

Make a Brock Samson spinoff after VB ends - PLEASE! About his Pre-VB days coming up in the OSI (with generous screen-time shared with Molotov Cocktease,of course).

You always see “heart/cardiovascular disease” up there, but not so much the link that a lot of the food we eat - no matter what our income level, has so much sugar in it these days. Food that we don’t tend to think of as sweet or having sugar has it as well, and it’s common nowadays for folks to go crazy on their

My main hope is that Stephen Colbert succeeds in making Roger Zelazny’s Chronicles of Amber novels into proper adaptations.

Sooo - it’s just a wireless security cam mounted to a birdfeeder? I actually had this idea to repurpose my Wyze v1 cameras that were going out of support.

I still have a TX1 in a cabinet somewhere - no batteries, though.

Now playing

I give you the GPD Win 4 - a Windows handheld that’s higher spec and newer guts than a Steam Deck, but pricier too.

Studios would recast Brian O’Conner w an AI rendering sourced from Tupac’s hologram ghost if they knew they could get away with it. 

Some people aren’t trying to get the cheapest hardware out. Skipped the Steam Deck due to size and aging guts. Have a 2TB,32GB GPD Win 4 on order for delivery any day now. I don’t care about screen size either because I’ll be plugging in some Rokid Air (Max also ordered) glasses with 1080p Micro-OLED displays.

My wife leased a Mazda 3, switched to the new one at the end of her lease, then bought that one when her lease was up (under the original pre-chip-shortage payoff amount). I drive it now - because she got switched to 100% remote work and I’m the one that drives the kiddos to school.

I was actually the first in the

Is it only LHDC or does it do LDAC as well? Unfortunately, I don’t think my S23U and Fold4 don’t do LHDC.

I actually did get a few other dongles after you replied above, lol. Just wanted to say thanks for the update! 

Got the 6 figure job, but permanent employees are mandated to be within 60 miles of HQ, so we’re limited there. At least the union has prevented them from fully rescinding work from home, which they already tried to do.

I’ve enjoyed his acting since Fringe - but what really threw me was when he voiced Renzo in the Netflix animated series Farzar. I just wasn’t prepared for Lance Reddick’s very identifiable voice suddenly cursing and saying all manner of uncouth and irreverent lines that went against all of his characters I knew him

I considered it, but was won over by the GPD Win 4 and the Onexplayer 2. The Onexplayer 2 can slide both sides off that have the controllers like a Switch. The Win 4 is more compact and designed like a Sony Vista but with a screen that slides up to reveal a keyboard. Both have the same 6800u and high end options for

Something in my soul feels guilty every time I partake of a Mexican Pizza - as if I’m offending both Mexican and Italian cultures for enjoying that frankenfood.