
I have an X1 Fold - which was released last year and lets you pack a 13" OLED that folds down to iPad Mini size. It’s really neat for being able to have a real laptop without having to pack a full size laptop bag. I kind of wish one of these companies released a similar size - as that’s the form factor and size I want

Sorry, should have clarified I have a Quest 2, which I’ve run with SideQuest from the beginning - and that had a 90hz toggle before it came out “officially”.

Now playing

There was my original exposure to some of these classics when I was in my teens in the 80s when I thought they were ok, as my taste in anime was different then.

I just got the prescription lens inserts for my Quest 2 - now I’m mad it took me so long to decide to get them. I have astig on my left eye, lol.

For many people, this was mainly a problem on older setups where the headset\content was capped at a low refresh rate. I don’t get this at all on my Odyssey or Quest -but I’ve done it to myself sitting too close to my projector screen playing any first person POV.

I actually prefer the ambient noise modes of some of my TWS buds because you can boost the ambient volume way up to augment my “old man ears” lol. They’re like low-key hearing aids.

That would be annoying to have to remap swipe inputs for certain games from the PS controller touchpad to work correctly from the XB Elite.

It’s also interesting because ASUS actually was one of the first sellers of a portable display - as I have a Zenscreen 15" with a battery that I retired because I got a 17" 1440p portable screen. They could have easily made what you described.
I also have the X1 Fold and I use it for quick, remote tasks, when I have

I’ve seen mechanical license-plate flippers, but e-ink has to be at the point now where someone can hack together a license plate that you can change at will. 

Except they’ve sourced their OLED screens for iPhone and iPads from other companies for years.
You could say your theory is a reason WHY it took them so long to join Team OLED - they couldn’t previously claim they were the only ones that had it and for a long while, and eventually gave in because they couldn’t have

I’ve been saying it since they built the first one - the ones we’re aware of are all decoys. The -real- ones are fully mobile and weaponized and being built and stored in their underground bases. 

Yes, there is a difference - WiFi 6 is limited to 2.5 & 5Ghz. You need 6E for 6Ghz.

Ah - apologies then, as looks like we’re almost doing the same stuff. However my HL-A sessions on my Q2 w/ VD have little lag (but I’m only a few feet in the same room from my 5Ghz AC WAP that’s running wired backhaul to my router pulling the stream from my RTX-3080 equipped PC on wired Gigabit). You didn’t say

My budget was $7K - but since I didn’t spend that money last year, then I could put that towards a $14K set this year, right?

I kept waiting on NXTWear G to become available from some US source - but it never showed up. Would be interesting to see if it changes with this model. Due to the HDMI input, I’m curious how this would work as a portable DEX display for my Samsung devices. 

Ah, more options to think about while I deliberate on what 85" to supplement our projector with for daytime viewing. 

That’s actually our newest display, as we were recently surprised that 70/75s went pretty cheap. For this one, we were ok with B-list manufacturers since it’s not our primary display (still holding out/undecided on an 85" to supplement the projector screen for daytime use). 

That is absolutely NOT the same as WiFi 6E that runs the 6Ghz bands. If they actually have new gateways that do this, please correct me and I will call them immediately to upgrade as I am also a Gig-Fiber subscriber.

Nowadays, any lag or artifacting at the remote system is usually due to crappy WiFi. Upgrade your WiFi network and do a site survey to address any weak spots in your place with Mesh or standalone APs if you can do wired backhaul to your primary router. 

I think many people are justified in being nervous about investing in the Stadia ecosystem in case Google loses interest (like they often do with their products). If they ever decided to shut down - are your purchased games not stuck in a way you can’t reuse the licenses in another platform?
It’s this reason we went