
Sooo - mix salt and chili together to ward off Ant Demons?

Whoa - this even works on the level of receiving messages - as any messages coming from “Scam Likely” might still be mistaken as the regular “meet hot singles in your area” solicitations. As long as you’re not getting sent anything specifically identifiable to you.

Apple has done well with all the updates to the 13 - for the 14, maybe more optical zoom options in the Pro versions.

Good for Gaiman and I’ve enjoyed just about all the properties he’s been involved in - but I’d also love to see MORE of Sir Terry Pratchett’s work adapted into films or shows.
I tried to like The Watch, but anyone who’s read the books can understand why people were mad that they strayed so much from the source

Ok - but now the apprentice Sith to Master Megan must be Aubrey Plaza!

Holy isht - Nick cast as one of the Moffs, make it HAPPEN!!!

Whenever I read the name, my head translates it to “Kill-All-U-Inda-Area”.
Jokes aside, hoping all people and pets are safe.

Thanks! For some reason, I was never exposed to KR, even though my childhood exposure to Japanese live-action properties such as this included Godzilla, Ultraman, Goldar, etc.

I was doing this for quite a while - ripping the physical disc, converting it to digital ISOs to store on my servers and then eventually taking the extra step to compress to more efficient CODECs for local playback and storage.

At some point, it was just simpler and faster to download the digital copy than re-rip from

I never really followed Kamen Rider - but when I saw the article title I thought there was another sequel coming to “Hentai Kamen”, lol.

Are you kidding? I used that as my ringtone on my smartphone for years.

Yo - I hope you find some comfort today to even yourself out and stop being so aggro to others. I offer you a non-expiring virtual hug, because you sound like you need it. 

Yeaaah, among the tons of other stuff he’s been in - some of us remember him firstly from Re-Animator and maybe Dr. Mordrid (trippy attempt to do Dr. Strange in the early 90s).

I remember buying the Microsoft Plus add-on for Windows 95 sometime in 94. It came with a bunch of neat additional screensavers - one of which called “Organic Art” got me down a rabbit hole since it was kind of like pseudo-3D rendered fractals, which I was also really into on my PC.
Spiritually adjacent to “Pipes”

I understand how the tech works in this article, but you’re conflating my last response with the original subject. What I said at the end was more to use an existing camera that isn’t part of the under-display tech and is more a standard (but physically smaller) mobile camera in a transparent body that would be an

Yeah I failed to be more clear as when I said “put the hidden camera MORE in the middle of the screen”, that’s kind of what I was inferring.

You’re right - probably more of an engineering challenge on mobile devices where space/size are a consideration. For larger+stationary monitors being sold in this new reality of frequent web conferences I absolutely think this could be one of the new,gotta-have-it” features for business purchases.

Since this is doable now - why doesn’t anybody put the hidden camera more in the middle of the screen so that when you’re video chatting with someone, it feels more like you’re making eye contact?

What happened to the Neo? I’m happy with my phone - but I would like to see them deliver that dual screen Windows Courier concept which could be the Surface Neo.