
Well I guess I’ll wait then - as I was planning on getting the new Fossil in black to alternate with the silver Galaxy Watch 4 I just purchased.

No DeX - which I use often and one of the big advantages of buying a recent Samsung phone, only max 8GB RAM and 256GB storage vs 16GB and 512GB on my S21 Ultra (see DeX - when you use it like a laptop and a camera, the RAM for multitasking and storage for apps and 4K recording matters). No UWB if you plan to use it

Actually, you -can- have conference audio over bluetooth headsets that’s absolutely indistinguishable from wired to all listening parties due one reason.
Call conferencing codecs do a general downsampling in quality all-around to prioritize transmission and reduce latency over audio quality that masks and negates whate

Personally, I like vinyl most for the ritual of it”
Same reason why I still like driving a stick-shift, or preparing my own meals -the ritual- as you succinctly put it, enhances the experience for many beyond the ultimate qualitative properties of audio reproduction we’re discussing here.

Most people don’t even take into account the listening situation (outside/in a vehicle with competing ambient noise vs quiet room by yourself) where the audio quality starts being moot.

That is about mic recording quality being compressed for video conferencing transmission which uses different codecs with different priorities and not about high quality listening playback. Absolutely different things there. 

Here you have the problem where too many compromises must be made to achieve “foldable” and end up turning off people who would want this. I’ve been interested in this form-factor of foldable for awhile now and just patiently waiting for them to get their shit together.

Naw - I don’t care about doing “VR Meetings” yet. I don’t see it bringing anything over the current collaboration tools.

What I AM interested in is keep developing the ability to use the VR headset as my multi-monitor setup. There are some solutions that sort of do this now, but for virtual displays inside VR where

Coming soon to TMobile Tuesday rewards app - Free Credit Protection! 

There’s certain bombastic, action-based films or horror movies I don’t mind going to see the public release for - because there’s a good chance the rowdy audience adds the right vibe to that experience.

It’s just for certain flicks, that I do care about getting the best experience on my initial watch - I don’t want

Now playing

Most Gamer Bros are just following the trends and this is what they see as popular, I guess. There was a time I didn’t care about my seating so I’d rather spend the money on my rig instead of anything else in the setup. Now that I’m an Old, I realize that if I’m going to be looking at something, touching something

FYI - lots of Android phones already work natively with HEIF/HEVC. My S21Ultra and the S20Ultra I used before that could even record natively to that format to save space.

Got a Phonesoap one like this as a promo giveaway from a vendor, (looks exactly the same and came with the Phonesoap instructions - just the device itself was stamped with the other company’s logo).

Got a Phonesoap one like this as a promo giveaway from a vendor, (looks exactly the same and came with the Phonesoap

Wow - I’m glad to hear of any orgs that are open to it as a remote-work option. I lost that battle with our Management, unfortunately - so I’m forced to keep it on our “kill-list” along with a bunch of other unapproved apps.

I’m just saying it’s now a minor thing to -most people - that wouldn’t consider as a “deal breaker” since it doesn’t outweigh missing the benefits they net from using it.
Years are going to go by until my “optimal” use case is achievable which is ditching the phone as the primary connectivity and making it a peripheral

LOL, at least it uses MFA, but I only use Parsec to connect to my own personal PCs and servers. 

Ah, I get you now. I think I forget other people aren’t using enhancements like Pie Control (where I put almost all “control/buttons” reachable from a radial menu accessible from a natural inward swipe from the right bezel instead of the default swipe control areas at the bottom of the screen).

For $1800 there should be no “cheaping out” on anything. Battery, camera, at least they have a 512GB option now when they didn’t on 1st gen and there’s finally an IP water resistance.

I have a device budget I can blow on this from work - but I’m not carrying this around without the best integrated camera available.

Hahaha - you’re not lying. Along with the “audiophile” stuff you an get at Drop, I ended up obsessing over custom “artisanal” keycaps and ended up with more than I needed unless I’m frequently swapping keyboards. Ended up getting the Treasure Chest and put an Engraved Dragon key guarding it for an dungeon adventure

Then I wonder how Parsec got so popular that Unity bought them the other day. Hmmm.