
Mine's delicious.

I said a single man, not anyone with a penis.

Nor do I, but I wouldn't go so far as to say it's an 11 year old's mentality. Japan is a different culture. Agree or disagree with his stance, that's just how it is for many people there.

Some would agree that sexualization isn't necessarily sexist.

I bought one for the family for Christmas. Everyone loves it. Yes, the marketing has been shit, as has the 3rd party support, but it's a great machine. I do dislike the lack of GC compatibility, but I can deal.

No, I'm not a "fanboy". I mainly play on PC, own about 20 consoles and love gaming.

I'm pretty sure most of the "men" bitching have never seen a woman in bed before.

There's not a single man uncomfortable with that.

No, he has the mindset of someone that loves tits.

Better go watch the Deathstalker series, or any sword & sorcery epic from the 80s.

I fully endorse women breastfeeding in public as much as possible.

That shit is hot as hell. Sexy-ass hands all touching... MMMmmMM!

"Do men in general have an existential fear of being constantly judged based on their sexual attractiveness"

You'd be surprised.

I disagree.

I'm patiently waiting for someone to come in and ironically agree with "THIS".

I can look at pics of shit I find sexy all fucking day, doesn't mean I necessarily jack off to them. To assume that looking at a picture of a girl, candid or otherwise and thinking she's hot equates to every one of those people chipping away at the same time is ridiculous.

Naturally a male will just fervently jack off to any and every picture of a female he sees.

Penis discussions between men are SO off-color! *rollseyes*

No. It's a horrible feeling.

Bike to work? LMAO Does Atlanta even have winter?

Awww it's ok. Friend zones are a myth.