
I think treating the tragedy with respect should take priority over eloquent wording, in this case.

I think chopping off a child’s hair as punishment is implicitly public. So wrong, and so sad.

Or how betrayed she would feel that her own father, a person who is supposed to love and protect her, would become a bully too? She must have felt like absolutely no one would support and protect her. How terribly sad.

If she was being bullied at school, it makes it so much worse that her own father would do this to her. Did it never occur to him that those same bullies would see this and use it against her? WTF!

Is that really what you’re worried about? Promoting health? Are you sure you don’t just enjoy telling a woman that the body she lives in is “wrong?” Do you have to be sure that every picture you look at includes only people who are “healthy?”

I love all the fake concern that inevitably accompanies these stories, on here and every other forum that posts them. “Good for her, but she doesn’t look healthy” blah, blah, blah. Aside from the fact that her health is her choice, her business, and is probably just fine, it has nothing to do with her job as a model.

I went to see a screening of the second Boondock Saints film (for all its deep and obvious flaws, I have an abiding fondness for the original, entirely because of the gorgeous men and all the homoeroticism) that included a panel discussion with Troy Duffy and a few of the actors afterward. The move was so awful I

I don’t know if I’d call it “manning up” given that he was thirteen when Mary Kay became pregnant with their first child, nor do I think a rape victim needs to “own up to his role” in his abuse, but yes, I admire and respect that Vili is a good, present father; he’s trying to do right by his kids. But he never should

oh Jesus.

Sorry ladies. I win this one.

About seven years ago I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I was lucky in that it was fairly isolated so they just chopped that sucker out, but I was devastated by the treatments. Just.. so so sick. An old friend of mine (we'd shared a really shitty apt in NYC in my early 20s and during this time she and I had had a

Though I've never been cheated on, my mother cheated on my father while she was in college. He was working multiple jobs (several hours away from campus) to help put her through school and one night, after she had said she was missing him all week, he decided to surprise her with flowers. He drove down after work

In the summer of 2013, I had spent 8 Very Long, Very Hard years in graduate school and was a mere two weeks away from defending my Ph.D. My monogamous husband of 8.5 years went over to visit our closest couple friends' of 5 years house to drink and play video games while I worked on all of my dissertation shit.

One Thanksgiving, about a decade ago, my grandmother was really sick and I decided to spend all day with her at the nursing home. I cooked her a special meal; all of her favorites. My then-husband (who also happened to be an abusive ass) decided to spend the day at his family's house for their annual get together.

Reposted from last year (same question)(still gross!)

I may take the cake for cheating stories. Let me set the scene. When my son was born, my husband had been acting strange, but I chalked it up to pre-baby jitters. After 2 days of labor and a health baby, I was exhausted. We went to sleep the first night and I woke up to my husband texting. I asked who he was talking

When my girlfriend broke up with me on my birthday. I was enlisted in the Air Force undergoing chemotherapy and radiation for colon cancer. When I underwent my first surgery (a lower anterior resection to remove the tumor) a month prior to my birthday, I was stuck in a military hospital for roughly 9 days for

My bf and I had been living together for almost a year. He came home from work one night all saucy and climbed into bed ready to get down.... and when I went down, I tasted another woman on him.

Well, I wasn't being cheated on, but my mother was. I was about 10, and some lady followed my father home from work. Apparently, she was pregnant, and decided to tell my mother on our front lawn. I stared out the screen door, and I tried to figure out what was happening. I knew something bad was up, but didn't

I had to take my mother to the emergency room while I was visiting her one weekend. I ended up staying for several days because she was super sick and my dad is basically incapable of caring for a houseplant, let alone a human. When I got back to my apartment I shared with my ex, the place was totally trashed and he