
It was right to cancel Day Break, it worked perfectly as a 1 season show, lots of shows do. Based on the pilot of Awake I love it, but I only want it to go one season because it doesn't make sense to drag it out any further than that.

Umm, I'm rewatching Enterprise and...T'Pol??!

The Andy idea would be cool, totally illogical but cool.

Journeyman good? Alcatraz isn't even New Amsterdam good(which was also canceled before it's time)

What does "even Day Break was awesome" mean? Of course Day Break was awesome!

"A lot of things are going to come together having to do with the inmate's blood" - no crap Mr. Executive Producer, it's not like it's a subtle hint at this [] seems like every flashback sequence has blood being drawn, I don't even feel like I can watch this show anymore and I watch everything.

I know that I'm in the minority, but I'll consume anything Tron related and loved Tron 2. All Tron had to say was "I fight for the Users" and I melt. Sure they should have found a way to work Rom in but there's still time...

He never said it was a date, clearly Future Henry was unable to win the fight against Regina so he turned the donkey wheel to give his younger self a better fighting chance, while at the same time giving himself a book to study(because it was lost sometime in the future)

Personally, I think it's because it's a small town that it makes sense. People probably like Kathryn better anyways because, as Emma said, Mary Margaret is kind of a shut in.

1) Space Paranoids was great.

Yeah...I don't get it...

Great ep, did anyone else keep getting the feeling that a non-Peter main character was gonna get offed?

I was just thinking it was an indie film.

On another note, that is seriously amazing...I never get anything cool, but when I went to see Crystal Skull somebody did make a working boulder cake.

I love playing Halo and I become obsessed with it, but that doesn't mean that it's of the same quality and has actual thematic value...sure it does, but not to the same level.

Nice, I thought she would make out with the guard at the end but either hard on that guy...also a joke about him being a gay friend would have been a nice touch too.

Hulu too and NBC's iPad app.