Well...I understand what you're saying and while I think your argument has merit(and is mostly true) but I still disagree.
Well...I understand what you're saying and while I think your argument has merit(and is mostly true) but I still disagree.
Yeah if they do that then this movie(series) will become a cash king.
Oh yeah me too, it's too bad that Happy Town was struck down so early...
I like to think of Katie Cassidy as "Trish from Harper's Island" but nobody watched that lovely show so...
I unplugged everything, including the hard drive, and let it sit for 30 minutes and it came back...that's the 2nd time it's happened to me in 6 or so years.
And after the download finished I got 3 red lights on my Xbox...which only means it might be dead...have to disconnect and reconnect everything first.
Yes!!! And you suck for winning a facebook Mass Effect 3 code when I tried for 2 days and it never gave me one! Also...this ME3 demo is the slowest demo download I've ever seen...the rage, it builds in me.
I want an alternate Number One card with Riker on it.
I'm upset by who they took out of the movie...but then when I see Bruce Willis in the trailer I just know that I have to give it a chance(and I happened to really like the 1st one)
Yeah I was gonna peg it around December 21stish.
Your love is like baaaaaad medicine
Your love is like baaaaaad medicine
Honestly...Rick Moranis being in it could make up for it. He knew when to get out of acting and if he's decided to pull a little Annexation of Puerto Rico, then who am I to argue with him?
What's all this "secretly plotting to kill you" business? I think it's pretty overt.
I don't know if it makes him a scumbag, they trick him into initiating the vote for Palpatine to get Executive powers in Attack of the Clones following Padme's trip to Naboo...so I don't think he really knows what he's doing...he's just an idiot.
I don't honestly know if it's well renowned or not, I happen to see it featured at my public library one day and I love love stories and sci fi so it seemed like a good fit. I like the book but I love the movie...in the same sense as Disney's Tuck Everlasting I believe they changed the ending for the better.
It's kind of the superior one in my eyes because of Travolta, Spacey, and DeVito.
I'm hoping there's some way to work Donal Logue back in...him dying in the first was a crying shame.
The sad thing is that Skyline is pretty much the only movie on this list that I'm not in love with.
There was a time when IMDB had 3 sequels listed(this was about immediately after the first one came out in theaters)...yeah, maybe we'll get 1 real sequel eventually...