
I've never understood the Ghostbuster 2 hate, Jackie Wilson makes that my favorite of the two.

I'm not a huge fan of Jumper but I did really like it...I call it a poor man's "The Time Traveler's Wife"

I'd be more interested to see Seven Pounds 2.

What was so bad about Indiana Jones? The only bad part of that movie was the CGI jungle-jeep fight scene, and it was only bad because they had previously done a "real one" in a better movie.

I'm excited for Jumper 2, Independence Day 4, Green Lantern 2, Austin Powers 4, the new Percy Jackson movie, and Indiana Jones does that make me a bad person?

It being Next Generation is what puts it over the top...Data and The Doctor!

The subway cars are fine but the stations can be a bit rough sometimes. Neither me or my brother has ever had a problem, but one day while coming to class my brother's friend was stabbed in the stomach. Keep in mind he was a huge kid and actually beat the shit out of his attacker(and kept his wallet and cell

But what about the rest of what I said? Would you say that Cyclops was much nicer before he was driven insane by Jean's death? I'm not defending crazy Cyclops who abandoned Pryor or anything but that relationship was never really there anyway, but yes he was still a dick(once he was driven insane)

Re Cyclops: I love Comic book and cartoon Cyclops...I disagree that movie Cyclops is actually a dick, he's smarmy but isn't really given much to do.

I'm old enough to remember X-Men before those movies(the first 2 being decent, the 2 being terrible but entertaining, and then First Class blowing them out of the water)...and Cyclops is given much more to do elsewhere.

Could you specify the "Douchenozzle ahoy" comment.

1)X-Men: I always assumed that Cyclops was everyones favorite(as he is mine)...this is not true?

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I guess it was the "newness" of Voyager that kept me DS9 it had nice space battles, I remember the Emergency Command Hologram joked abou his photonic canon and then later used phasers to detonate a photon torpedo. The Borg, the new species, plus the split storyline where for a few episodes we followed

The 1st Force Unleashed is a great game, it fits in EU nicely and had the sequel had a good story they could have cemented themselves as a 3rd trilogy.

Well I'm also one of those people that liked Enterprise

"Until it turns out to be a Voyager or whatever." ...what does that mean?

but not Jake.

and in the book he is decidedly human, which is why I prefer it(despite loving Blade Runner)

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typo in my quote above...but why have it in Connery's voice when Patrick Stewart's is just as good?

"and here clothes fall off"