Bullshit BioWare, we voted for the blonde and want the blonde. They were gonna let us decide but then vetoed it? Pretty lame.
Bullshit BioWare, we voted for the blonde and want the blonde. They were gonna let us decide but then vetoed it? Pretty lame.
Yeah this River episode kind of pissed me off a little bit because it was so over the top, but it was also amazing.
I don't think that Game of Thrones made Camelot seem worse, it was just terrible writing. I didn't really have a problem with the acting(I kind of did, but it was the writing mostly)
Well Camelot deserved to be canceled. I think that Torchwood has been picking up steam though, I think this most recent episode was the best yet(although it was horrible story telling, new secret ultra important character after the series is more then half over, what?!)
I am on Chrome(with Adblock) but have never had a problem on here or Kotaku with a video not showing up or saying "Video not found". I was assuming that it was embedded wrong, but when I revisited the page it was up so who knows.
It loads for me now.
Video isn't up.
I think the CGI fine...that puppet looks terrible. Apparently puppetry went to hell in 20 years...
...I was just so saddened that he came out and said it awhile after the movie had been out.
He needs tit to establish that just like in the book, Deckard was not a replicant.
Is "God I hope so" an appropriate answer?
How are JK's thoughts? Inside bio's? separate section?
As I was watching the video I thought it was pretty choppy. Like right before he goes to melee that guy.
Well I'll just have to use Death Blossom on those people.
They said sucky games though.
Ehh, this seems like viral marketing for a gritty TMNT reboot.
Well...to be honest, I was never against the prequels. I love Star Wars but have never given them the divine treatment and love the EU, videogames, etc as much as if not more then the movies.
That's why I did it, not because I can't read, but because it is that good.
...it needed to be posted twice?
Rowling wanted to include all the concentration camps and incinerating of Slytherins, but her editor didn't want to risk not being seen as a children's book anymore.