
Harry Potter is the Quarter Blood Prince.

He does make a good Snape point though, you know Snape was the biological father...I mean, hey, why not.

Now playing

This was a fun Disney education film to watch in high school.

Personally, I will never understand all of the Fett love. Or why the Sith seem to be more popular then Jedi's in video games and pop culture.

yeah I have a friend with the name "La*". It's an incredibly stupid name, they weren't born with it and legally changed it to that, so maybe Google can get them to switch it back.

With the funding NASA's getting, the closest we're getting to Mars(again) is Red Planet(a mostly factual movie)

Slow news day?

Deckard isn't a Replicant(in the book)

Yeah and with an ensemble cast that is gonna be really hard on the numbers. Plus they're under Comcast now who are known for their cut it if it loses money attitude. And, as I had said, if the new numbers aren't promising growth then the billables won't go up so it's a bad cocktail all together.

Yeah but I want to see him listed(which is why I said "literally, directly" as in on the list).

I would disagree because I think Dobby is supposed to look childlike and magical.

Na, they'll finish it off by engaging a machine that will return them to the prime timeline, then bright light, then we never find out.

Craig Engler? He's been tweeting about it all day.

2 things:

SGU was getting good but wasn't finding the ratings, that's what important...which is why I'm a little confused about the Eureka thing but I haven't seen any new numbers. But 5 years isn't bad for a show, 5 quality years.

But what did she lie about? Being sorry, it's always seemed like she was sorry and was only doing it for her daughter. Can't say that I agree with you on that, but it's a definite possibility.

Hey the Sovereign pylons were redesigned to accomodate the same thing, they just don't have to fold.

Does nobody here love King of Queens?

Yeah that needs to come to Netflix Instant soon.

Okay as long as the cowl has something like that, but it just makes sense for Bruce Wayne and Batman to have 2 different voices and that's what my point was.