
Am I the only one who found Christian Bale's Batman voice realistic? or at least smart.

Voyager was a mighty ship because of her crew, the Intrepid was not a powerful ship though.

how dare you.

I thought it was because he was able to save his marriage before the whole death thing, but I could be wrong. I remember it being touched on, but you might be a little too critical of the reviewer.

Well the pope thing I don't actually remember, and the demon thing doesn't really give anything away...coulda been making an Etrigan joke(or a few others), just wasn't sure.

Oh man I was way off, can't believe that I missed it was him.

In the last one, who is the guy in the suit? I got some ideas, but I can't exactly place him.

So assuming the expansion of the universe and our continuing inability to traverse space with a good amount of speed, there will in time be many more "alternate" universes. Yes?

Yeah but Green Lantern was just plain terrible...with a decent movie, who knows.

I refuse to buy it until the Protoss Campaign comes out. I'll buy it for mainly nostalgia and already I don't like how they changed the units, not every gamer buys this immediately. Not even people who love Blizzard.

Well flatter Pete then! Don't make him put it away. He's already been hurt enough by Kelly...

In all fairness: 1) They woulda hazed him anyway 2) how can anyone resist Pete's goofiness + lovable body

Beast Wars always merits a mention. Does Waspinator count too?

Con: Godric grabs Eric by the back of his neck and rubs his face in Sookie like some puppy that pissed on the carpet when the doorbell rings. - Ehh, not necessarily a Pro but definitely not a Con(because it was dream Godric)

Luckily enough Sanchez plays pretty well under pressure so we're good at comebacks, but I'm not the biggest fan of his either.

Good thing our CB's aren't overrated, they just play at that level.

What cockblocking? It's his wife. You don't have a clear opinion different from others, you're just fueled by rage and jealousy.

Live where you belong?...really?

What's wrong with Albus Severus Potter?

I thought Harry looked good, Ginny looked bad, Draco looked amazing, Ron and Hermione I really thought they looked the they hit a little bit of everything in my opinion.