The reason why I said all of the was because they are available in the books. I'm a little hard on the movies, but some of the stuff they change seems to be done for no reason.
The reason why I said all of the was because they are available in the books. I'm a little hard on the movies, but some of the stuff they change seems to be done for no reason.
True, which is why I said it though.
I cannot agree more with your first point(and the cloak one too). Needed more of Dumbledore's family, maybe a Mirror of Erised reference, who knows...
I would have liked:
Hawaii isn't in the Americas?
But someone would have to kill Harry(I exclude disarm because from what we've seen in the 19 years later there is no more fighting, so disarming would do no good) for the wand to work for them. So the book version seems definite enough.
People wanna kill William H Macy?
I don't think I'm having withdrawal, but I don't know how I felt about the movie yet.
loved it in the books, but hated it in the movies(even though everyone in the theater clapped then(and when Neville sliced Nagini's head off))
Half of the arguments here call it an "upcharge" or additional charge in order to play the game(I think the term they're looking for is "enjoy the game their way")...which isn't true because it's included in the new version. Online content is not essential to the experience, if you want it, then buy it right away as a…
"But if one guy is selling me Halo for $60, and another for $50, I'm going to go with the cheaper version. " ...but that's not what is happening here...
By Grabthar's Hammer...what a savings.
Outlaw Star, Gundam 8th MS Team(you can see it real easy, it was like 10 episodes) and Samurai X are easily my favorite 3 anime shows.(Samurai X the American or the Asian one, Asian one is way better though coloring wise and stuff).
I'm gonna go ahead and say that Outlaw Star is better then Firefly...why Cartoon Network still plays Cowboy Bebop and Trigun sometimes at night and not Outlaw Star and Gundam 8th MS Team is completely beyond me.
"I bet in the next couple of decades we can build far cheaper unmanned submersibles which can far outperform anything we have today, just like the revolution in unmanned aerial vehicles we are seeing today. "
I'd like to see Cranston put a Hal/Malcolm in the Middle vibe on Gordon(in a live action movie) where Gordon is just some bumbling cop and things seem to just fall in his lap.
As much as I love Hans Gruber and Die Hard, it isn't as good as Prince of Thieves and the Sheriff.
Wow, I've never even heard of that one...must see now, thanks!
My favorite Alan Rickman movie(is every one of them, obviously) but it was great to see Sweeney Todd in theaters because people, literally, cheered whenever Alan came on screen.
Well I'm confused by this post because Snape is, obviously, the hero of the series...