Yeah she looked really hot in Get Smart too.
Yeah she looked really hot in Get Smart too.
Well, regarding DW, I think that only a "good chunk" of the episodes will air in 2012 because the world is going to end.
Katie Holmes was okay.
3 years to turn a profit for a product of this nature is actually pretty good.
Well, no not an "Indian Princess". And it's not every American, just those of us who have been here long enough.
Hmm, excuse my language but the only obvious responses to this(to me) are:
Kilowog could play Sue Sylvester.
I am a Meat Popsicle.
Hilarious line, probably because it's directed to a Nazi.
It's hard to work it in right, but this is one of my favorites of all time.
Also, I use "You've failed Your Highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me" all the time, way better then "No, Luke. I am your father." but I also don't really care for ESB
Why would we not use these these? I use "Make it So" on a daily basis.
Too bad...
I thought this was gonna target something like Heimlich Maneuver, a term the Red Cross stopped using because they had to pay to use the name...still good though, I hate new smart phones but miss my old Palm m515 terribly...
I'm a little upset that I apparently got the line wrong.
George Carlin always had the best quotes, his lines on society, government, and rights versus privileges were always my favorites.
Christmas came early this year.
There's also this: []
Is comparing Stalinism and Nazism an automatic fail?
Think of the gas mileage though! Eh, it could work if they used like A1B nuclear reactors like in our supercarriers?