
"Socialism: The Smurfs didn't own any property" - did they pay rent though? We were told this? It doesn't matter either way...socialism is not equal to not owning property....

Nobody who is a long time Mac user really says that. The hardware isn't that good, but OS X is vastly superior to Windows. Unix and some Linux builds are too, I pay for the operation system(although recently they have had some logic board/usb issues(but Windows 7 did too)

Well it's not like it's the only Mac Malware floating around, I've been using Macs since 1992 and when OS X first came out I almost immediately got a virus(which only contained itself in Internet Explorer, back when OS X had that) for some reason...

They've released 2 updates(this week), this is the 3rd major variant of it, and because of Apple's diligence there have been 2 major updates to the "virus" in under a week....unfortunately as more people use Macs, more viruses, malware, etc will pop up.

Whenever I see dinosaurs like this all I can think of is The Wizard

I'm an Accountant and most of the people I know don't really do it either, normally it works out to be like an extra 100 or 200 bucks anyway.

It's on your state return, not the Federal one. Sometimes it called "Tax Unpaid" or "Unreported", I'm an Accountant so I feel obliged every year. Most of my purchases are Amazon, so it's easy enough as they let me sort my invoices for the last year.

I'm not sure "twitching" is accurate or violent enough for me, I have literally beaten people up with my prolonged bouts of moving, vibrating, shaking, hitting...

"Newegg is again offering 250GB Microsoft Xbox 360 Kinect Bundle and $60 Gift Card for $399.99 with free shipping. That's a $459.98 value and no tax in most states."

Eh, I like the prequels and I look at them like Walt looked at Disney World, you do one first so that you can do the one that you love.

Great in Fanboys.

Please yes, I want to know more about The Event...the evolution, and most of all Luke from Gilmore Girls.

(It was a Game of Thrones joke)

Okay, well I'm not saying that they should sexualize him, just have him try it once. At the same time, I loved it when Amy described having those urges and it seemed like they were trying to set the two of them up and Sheldon said something off-putting like always, classic Shelly.

I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything, then again I also want to kill all the humans on the planet.

I can't read "n't"s apparently, thanks makes me feel better about others' experiences.

I disagree, I would love for him to try it out with Amy...just once, it is experimentation after all.

I don't fall into this category, "UK revealed that 1.05% of people described themselves as having "never felt sexually attracted to anyone at all."" but definitely into "we are freed up to explore the idea that maybe not everybody wants or needs to have sex".