
It was good and I haven't really been liking the post-Valentine's Day Glee episodes. I love that they're getting Blaine more air time, but the episodes are overall pretty bad.

He and Mel Brooks(both separately and together) have made so many great movies...if I had to chose a favorite then I'd have to say...Haunted Honeymoon. you?

He's alive.

Glee is doing a Wonka song right now.

I still have Michael Jordan: Chaos In the Windy City, it remains an amazing game.

Oooh tricky title, came here looking for Gene and only Gene...good old Sigerson Holmes.

Most individuals can't get out of paying taxes though. Sure if they own a farm(as in an extra one) that's losing a lot of money then they may be able to, but then they have to have employees and are creating jobs at least. The AMT does a pretty effective job at preventing people from cheating their taxes, well that

The tax code has only been re-codified like 2 or 3 times, but new provisions are added every year and for good cause. I won't lie, Tax Class, was the hardest accounting class for me because of all the rules. The rules are there not to be complex, but to be fair. They are in place because somebody found a way to

Yeah but Mr. and Mrs. Smith was a better film plus you work in the duo of Brangelina, 2 for 1 deal.

How did I miss Nikita? Okay, well...Psylocke then.

No Mr. and Mrs. Smith? No Nikita? Darth Maul? Boba Fett(Bounty Hunter, Assassin eh...), Ezio Auditore, Jason Bourne? HK-47!

And another Syfy movie is born, what could possibly go wrong?

Not an insta-purchase for me, gonna sit on it for a few hours...if it said "I fight for the Users" then obviously that's another story.

If she doesn't come back then I'm gonna need a little more sex appeal on the show...not that Saul Rubinek isn't doing it for me.

Well merman have the right genitalia not the best kisser though(always has cold lips)

Yeah that aurora could be a wormhole or it could be God, but you're right it doesn't matter because that is an awesome movie.

Only for non-smoking, healthy individuals.

You think Submariner is cooler?(Granted I'm a DC guy)

Good point, but Hurley made fun of Ewoks a little too much for my liking.

Oh it's not science fiction, none of them are(although this is the closest because of the energy shield, not because of the unexplained time travel). It's fantasy, I was just saying that I actually like the film.