Say what they will but that's my favorite HIghlander(and the only one I have on DVD!) The fan scene where Ramirez sacrifices himself is amazing.
Say what they will but that's my favorite HIghlander(and the only one I have on DVD!) The fan scene where Ramirez sacrifices himself is amazing.
I was just in Atlantic City, but don't remember seeing Gotham City. Still excited to know it's in New Jersey.
Aren't couples supposed to go together in costume? Is that C-3PO and the ghost of Anakin's mom? How could they have possibly known that back then...
If we don't know what it looks like, then where did the picture come from?
I think Aquaman is lame, but if there's one thing that Aquaman has going for him...then it's that he's NOT Submariner.
How many animals does man murder everyday?
As long as someone like Sam Raimi and not Brett Ratner got it right, it's okay.
Nice try Annalee but that's a trick question. Each one is a UFO inside a Cloud, best place to hide is out in the open.
Life on Mars(U.S.)
I don't think silk-pooping is even fun. Hell, secretion is just as funny as word as pooping and it's truer. If you want the laugh, then just go for silk-ejaculating - mechanisms.
Wolf Spider...
Where are you from England? What do you make besides Top Gear, Doctor Who, and Being Human?(and Sherlock).
Ummmm, you are aware that everyone watches Pixar films. Everyone....everyone.
He coulda been in class and they might not have known. He could be in a background shot.
I'm not too happy with an origins tale, but hopefully we'll see more of this guy.
No, because they make money(not necessarily the same thing)
I think it only works as a 1 season show where in the final episode it's shown that he's dead, otherwise I don't get it.
It was cancellation.
I'll probably end up watching Awake but either way that show sounds way too emotionally brutal.
I guess Microsoft let Anonymous know to finally stop the attacks...